Cases going down! Hey wait a minute…



What is the protocol if an employee or an employee’s family member or roommate is deemed to have been exposed?

Why the fuck aren’t masks required?

Seriously, boss man, what the fuck is wrong with you not having masks?

After a vaccine for COVID-19, it’s going to be like 5% or lower. Maybe/hopefully people do it while they’re sick in cold and flu season, but that’ll be it. In future potential pandemic situations, ie what we were in in Feb/March, I think you’ll see 1/3 to 1/2 of the population wearing masks… But in general, no.

From personal experience

The answer to all of these is

Fuck you


For me, it’s not even that I’m lowering my own risk. I’m already super-low risk: 30ish, healthy and fit, no underlying conditions. Obviously I don’t want it because it sounds fucking awful, but it’s not me I’m worried about. I’ve been taking the whole “do my part to lower the spread” shit seriously, and now it’s like… why fucking bother? These idiots are the people I’d be protecting by doing my part to reduce Ro? I just fucking hate everyone man, and it gets to me pretty frequently when I think about how I’m making my own self miserable to protect morons who don’t give a flying fuck.


Strongly disagree. For those that wear a mask, it’s no big deal. It’s gonna be like putting on a pair of glasses.

Some places are doing air flow studies to understand if there is a “prevailing wind” so to speak. And if so can it be disrupted. Seems to me it’s the unacknowledged key to reopening offices and plant floors.

Generally you want air to be forced down and you want recycled air to be filtered.

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One of the parts of this that worries me is that “social distancing” is actually really unhealthy for humans long term. As a species we are programmed to thrive off of physical contact with other humans. Handshakes, high fives, and especially hugs all are big for our mental health.

I’m already seeing signs that we are coming up on a mental health emergency because of the depression and anxiety this period of time is bringing up. If this level of social distancing becomes the new norm, we’re going to be headed for a cliff fast.

Well on this disturbing note it’s time to try and sleep


Yea but that’s with strangers. Like 6 months ago if some drunk bro tried to high five and hug me, I’d oblige. Now I’m like fuck off but I’d still do that with family and friends.

Social isolation aka FOMO are real . I was part of the iso lockdown movement until it was a nothing burger where I live . I’ve partied , dined and lived like nothing matters until the last 10 days .

I have 16 fb friends under 50 w it . 45-60 more including myself waiting test results. No hospitalization s so far No deaths. Thank whomever .

I’m 48 5 ten 205 w asthma so idk if I have underlying issues or not . The train of thought here is if we get through it as a group up w no deaths or long term repercussions and can’t get it again , deal with it and move on

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My test ^^ earlier

lol that looks horrific i never want to do that

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no guarantee you’ll maintain immunity through the rest of it tho. those kinda studies haven’t been done yet. gl regardless

Jesus Christ that is terrifying. What the fuck man.

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Unfortunately here in USA#1 we basically have a binary choice.

Did covid testing today, big difference is I shoved the swab up my nose. Right nostril confident I got deep enough, left nostril was a little more reluctant. But hey

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I was like lol all of y’all are wimps that’s not even–

Then they pulled it out and I saw how long it really was

Fuck me, what did that feel like?