Yup, Im stuck in a yearly audit loop because I was audited 4 years ago. It sucks, but what are you gonna do? I missed a 1099 from a job I had done in February of 2016 when we moved and they didnt have my forward address and Id just kinda…forgot I ever did the job. Audited and got a slap on the hand and had to pay the due taxes but wasn’t assessed penalties or anything. Again, it was just a good faith accident, but now they take a look every year.

There are a lot of people who feel the same way as you; social isolation is devastating to many. If you can, talk to a therapist or an EAP help line, same with your parents. There are lots of other people who are totally fine with being alone and/or homebound. I’m one of them, and luckily, so is my mother, who is painting again for the first time in a couple of years. There are still others who have to work, or even have to work with COVID patients or maskless noseholes, and want nothing more than to drive 200 miles into the wilderness. All of us have to think about our mental health as well as our physical.

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I was always surprised that I never got audited over my part time online poker earnings. Maybe they figured if I was dumb enough to claim any of that income there was no way I was cheating?

This is spot on. On a group text today we were talking about this because a few people said they weren’t going to go to this guy’s 4th of July party. The text right before this someone was being condescending by trying to egg him on about COVID being fake news.

Deposits and withdrawals less than $10k don’t get flagged.

Did you ask him which year 300k people died from the flu or pnemonia in the US?

I know I know, 2020.


As for those feeling frustrated, down and ready to head to the Lake of the Ozarks pool party I totally get it. Seeing everyone taking enormous risk and having fun has a definite FOMO element to it. I would highly recommend those of you feeling like that take some lower risk options that you haven’t been doing and do them. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Have a friend over and let them through the back gate and drink beer and shoot the shit 10 feet apart in your backyard, go camping, go hiking, go see your parents, get takeout, etc.

There is a wide divide between a life of isolation and heading to vegas to join the MAGA moron masses. So find some low (I realize these won’t be no risk) risk activities to keep yourself sane. If you do that you can still be part of the solution, most likely not kill anyone and make it to the other side of this with your life and lungs intact.


I’m sure most following this thread will take appropriate steps to avoid the spread of this but most people just don’t follow what’s going on as closely as we do. When the authorities say it’s time to open people believe them. I just checked facebook and saw two posts from friends who seemed to be taking covid seriously but now that we are opening up they are excited to have booked time with a tattoo parlor for new ink.


Not just that. When there’s the slightest relaxation on rules people hate, people immediately stop following them at all.

This is especially true with the poorly educated, who happen to be at particularly high risk.

Then he says something like “Only 110K have died and the hospitals want the $32K in free money for classifying a death as COVID, so if you test positive after falling down the stairs it’s a COVID death, this is JuSt ThE fLu LiBtArD!”

Then you say “What will you say when 300K die?”

He says it won’t happen, etc, etc, the when it does and you spike the football he tells you 100K people fell down the stairs and 100K were because of the uppity protesters and good riddance to them but it’s still JuSt ThE fLu LiBtArD!!!


I believe the October resurgence includes a back to school spike

Healthy woman in her 20s spent 6 weeks on a vent and ECMO, just received a double lung transplant. Sure, let’s just let the young healthy ones get back out there!!!


WTF. This is allowed?

Question for your list: Who is doing the training and enforcement of whatever office safety policies are put in place?

Womp womp


I met a friend for coffee at the park. We sat at opposite ends of a picnic table with a cross wind

I’ve been catching up with old friends and colleagues by phone

I have a group text chat with my kids and nephew. Thankfully we all have similar values.

We are walking a ton more.

We go for drives.

I fully support anyone living alone to have a quarantine buddy. I think taking the risk of a little more potential exposure is a trade off for the sanity.

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Is there a ventilation strategy?

I might be too ignorant to add that. Can you expand? It’s just a standard office building.

Well, we are never going back to normal. “Normal” was being blissfully aware of viruses. COVID-19 is the 3rd coronavirus of this century. I had no idea.

The new normal is 1/3 to 1/2 of the population is gonna wear a mask. Pre COVID-19, you only saw Asian people wearing a mask and we mocked them.

We will never go back to the normal of February 2020. And we shouldn’t.

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You mostly want to increase air circulation, office HVAC systems sometimes have vents that need to be adjusted to increase airflow.

From the second link:

Take steps to improve ventilation in the building:

  • Increase the percentage of outdoor air (e.g., using economizer modes of HVAC operations) potentially as high as 100% (first verify compatibility with HVAC system capabilities for both temperature and humidity control as well as compatibility with outdoor/indoor air quality considerations).
  • Increase total airflow supply to occupied spaces, if possible.
  • Disable demand-control ventilation (DCV) controls that reduce air supply based on temperature or occupancy.
  • Consider using natural ventilation (i.e., opening windows if possible and safe to do so) to increase outdoor air dilution of indoor air when environmental conditions and building requirements allow.
  • Improve central air filtration:
    • Increase air filtration to as high as possible (MERV 13 or 14) without significantly diminishing design airflow.
    • Inspect filter housing and racks to ensure appropriate filter fit and check for ways to minimize filter bypass
  • Consider running the building ventilation system even during unoccupied times to maximize dilution ventilation.