40% of our cases are post June 1

Ty. I feel better now. I just didnā€™t want to take it again or get bunk results

Yeah, like if you are guaranteed a full season, it would make a ton of sense to try to make trades to get really good depth, assuming a lot of players will be missing time later in the year.

Problem is, thereā€™s a very real chance the season lasts like 6 weeks, then itā€™s over, so you may just want to go top heavy and crush it early and gamble on that.


Less than 20% of people in public w masks per the newspapers spying

I told my MLB leagues that Iā€™m not withdrawing, but I think we should scrap the season. I donā€™t think Iā€™m capable of caring about baseball this summer, for a wide variety of reasons.


Motherfucker Iā€™m a grower, not a decliner.


Me. Iā€™m a recliner.

I wish my state had shrinkage.

So we are just gonna live with how things are, and just go back to normal right? Even if we luckboxed a vaccine in 18 months (despite having no clue what immunity is conveyed), weā€™d only be like 1/6 of the way through. Even the most strident among us arenā€™t going to isolate ourselves from all family and friends for 6x this duration, at least without extreme social consequences.

Feels hopeless and frankly I just sort of want to stop trying. My divorced parents are both in their mid-70s and they are extremely distraught to be living the ends of their lives in total isolation. Every conversation we have invariably leads to pointed discussions of their miserable march toward lonely death.

My relationships with our friends and my wifeā€™s family are strained as a result. 90%+ of the country is just living it up while I am in purgatory.

There is no plan, half the country doesnā€™t even think it exists. Half the country would literally rather die than wear a mask. So why bother? Why should I be the asshole when nothing even matters?

/rant; tomorrow is a new day


Yeah I have days where I feel this way. I donā€™t want to suffer long-term lung/brain/kidney damage, but then I start asking myself how much fun itā€™s going to be to live to 75 or 80 if 90% of my friends/family die at 65 or something. I still think Iā€™d rather live longer, but itā€™s a shit situation.

All that said, I have a feeling weā€™re going to go all-in blind before the river is dealt on the vaccine. I plan on still being a hermit in that case, but weā€™ll see.

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I have started feeling the same way. Iā€™m going into an office Monday where masks are not required. Why continue putting strain on friendships when Iā€™m forced to interact with idiots M-F.

Careful, youā€™re confronting NARRATIVES

Completely agree. It is infuriating.

Have to keep playing TAG when the table is playing loose passive.

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Yeah Iā€™m starting to think that I fucked up calling my friends out so harshly, especially since the most likely outcome here is like 1M+ if not 2M dead Americans by the end of 2021ā€¦ which will not prove that my caution or strong words were correct, because everyone will still think hunkering down until the vaccine was lunacy.

Especially since the dead will disproportionately be ā€œweakā€ and people of color, which our society does not care about. The pathetic juxtaposition of these protests is the devaluing of black lives and other lives of color with regard to reopening and the pandemic.

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I had a 70+ y/o guy tell me yesterday that he had nothing to worry about. Only people with one foot out the door and one on a banana peel need be concerned!

Yup. Not a time to let out your inner LAG. As a TAG it is quite fun to LAG it up once in a while. But not when Coronavirus is at the table and the stakes are your lungs.

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My 71 year old father with slightly high cholesterol and slightly elevated thyroid levels and a couple other slightly elevated things asked me today if those count as risk factors. He thinks despite his age thereā€™s virtually no risk to him because heā€™s healthy in his own eyes.

He thinks Iā€™m higher risk than him due to my asthma and weight, when in reality those still donā€™t elevate me to his risk level, in all likelihood.

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