Yes pretty much the NY NJs of the world had their big drops at around 0.8 but are now diminishing returns. We will see what happens when they More fully OFB. At least with case rates down 80ish percent they can grow and stop without the total disaster levels again. Of course lol they shut back down.

Depending on the day there are 8-14 clear growers. A few mild decliners. The other 50-60% are holding constant, and some of those fairly close to their peaks so if they start growing look out.

Ohioā€™s been OPEN FOR BUSINESS for a few weeks now, most counties seem to be <1.


R0 of 1.2 is about 3.3% daily growth. Works out to roughly 3 weeks to double.

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That just the math of small numbers. A little cluster of 5 people is a BFD.

It looks like indoor dining started May 21st in OH. The states really ripping had that level of reopening about 3 weeks earlier. Iā€™m not saying indoor dining itself is what causes it just pointing out Ohio was relatively late to reopen. As we are seeing with Texas, Georgia, Florida and co. it takes more like 4-6 weeks to really see start seeing much impact in the numbers.

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I donā€™t know what you guys are talking about. We clearly defeated covid. Sports are coming back!

Huh my Ohio calc is about 0.9 overall. Looks like I back engineered a calc that comes close to the official one.

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Dallas County, TX appears to be at the highest level of Covid alert. Iā€™m not sure that squares with being OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

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I give them 6 weeks before they have to shit down.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised at 3 weeks.

I expect college football to be a shitshow. Too many bodies. Some hidden comorbidities and lol 20 year old dudes.

Was this released by the state of Ohio? Or do you happen to know if there is a way to find this for the Highpoint/Greensboro, NC area and also Merrimack County, NH?

Shame if Trump or someone in his entourage got it.

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Itā€™s from the governorā€™s Twitter feed.

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Just talking about my experience alone and not arguing with you, but Iā€™ve been amazed at how much more frequently I find myself asking, ā€œwhat?ā€ or ā€œcould you repeat that?ā€ when someone Iā€™m talking to is wearing a mask.

something something local government serves their constituents best. Lol Texas

We ought to be seeing some kind of uptick after three weeks. Really seems like all the reopenings are getting dominated coronavirusā€™ seasonal trends.

Ya. These leagues making all these arrangements to open up have to know that itā€™s not going to work out as planned. This goes for everything open up as well.

But It seems like everyone has lost their minds everywhere and weā€™re just going to pretend itā€™s time to open everything up.

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USA#1 still using the shitty, uncomfortable tests waaaaaaaaaay after the world has figured out they are unnecessary. China was turning tests around in a couple hours or less for like $10 a test in fucking March, if I recall correctly. We still canā€™t do it. Other places are doing much less invasive nasal swabs, weā€™re still poking peopleā€™s brains.

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Yeah, I mean, I have a bad feeling weā€™re going to see at least a few weeks of YOLOOOOOOOO full stadiums and shit, and I would imagine that if you were able to like light it up with a laser and a special camera, youā€™d just see a cloud of COVID-19 descending down onto the field from the 100,000 people screaming drunkenly all around you, pushing more and more of it out toward the center, as it drifts and descends.

Thatā€™s before you even account for the players with their mouthguards flying, snot bubbles bubbling, screaming, yelling, smear transmitting, locker room sharing, etcā€¦

Which is also before you account for the air/bus travelā€¦

Which is also before you account for the after parties and trying to fuck half the campus.


A significant part of this has nothing to do with the volume. Youā€™re losing out on a lot of facial expressions that provide context, and lip-reading that helps you out if youā€™re having trouble hearing.


Fantasy leagues are gonna be really interesting this year when you have to account for the chance of one of your players coming down with covid and being out for a few weeks (or, god forbid, dying of it)