Here we go

Separately, popcorn time!


Have you considered wearing a face shield?

IME itā€™s harder to understand someone with a face shield than someone with a cloth mask


My wife works for the hospital system here in S.C. she says we just broke the record for new cases for the state by around 100, and that theyā€™ve seen such an influx in hospitalizations that they are shutting down multiple wings of the hospitals here to re devote them to Covid.

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The corona numbers plus the stonks market tanking feels familiar.

I have (many) issues with WaPo but I appreciate their data visualization work. They come up with some cool stuff.

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I guess the people picketing her house finally got to her. GJGE, Ohio.

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Here is a heat man with a very unofficial R0*

Red >1.5
Orange 1.1-1.5
Yellow 0.9-1.2
Lt Green 0.8-0.9
Dk Green <0.8

*14 day slope of total cases divided 14 days ago 14 day case total to give daily increase rate.

Then (1-daily rate)^5.6

5.6 is the mean transmission time.

This is not the official way to calc R0. Itā€™s my own approximation given the data I have.


Hopefully they replace her with someone that has the courage to admit that Covid is just a Radical Liberal Hoax.


That number is > any probable number so the ā€œplanā€ is to ignore, minimize or deny whatā€™s happening.

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Very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to make and post this. Based on this very few states are out of the woods right? I only see 12 states that have had R <.9 for even the last two days consecutively.

Georgia 993 today. A new high since May 1st.

Whatā€™s keeping hospital overloads from being in the news? Offloading their cases to big cities that arenā€™t overrun yet? Or are we in the test positive but not yet needing hospital care phase of this?

I plan on doing a lot of calculations on this stuff tonight to try to predict when hospitals tip over in a variety of states. On that noteā€¦

When you say roughly, how many days are we talking for a doubling time at 1.2 and 1.3? Thatā€™s a doubling of new cases per day? Or total active cases?

If Iā€™m going state by state and attempting to project hospital overruns, should I use the most recent R0, an average of the last 7 days of R0, project R0 to keep increasing in places where itā€™s increasing, or project it to drop as it gets worse and people take more precautions?

I know thereā€™s a lot of guesswork, but youā€™ve been nailing your projections so far so Iā€™m looking to just go with whatever you think is best. Then how to I figure out the doubling time from there?

As she stepped onto the plane headed for New Zealand, Dr. Acton was heard to mumble ā€œLet all those assholes die a long and painful death.ā€



I got tested today . Had to download an app and after 31 minutes of finding pws, virtual appointment, downloading an app , useless small talk I was told ( last evening ) I would have to repeat the process today because testing was closed. I was pissed n went off and they found a loophole.
I woke up at 1pm and called the # they provided. They said come on down. This DrCares office is a six minute ride from me crib. My A girl is driving and we get greeted on her side by a maskless gentleman WTF I know , the S.C. way I guess He asks if we have have an app blah blah 90 seconds and he directs us to a parking spot. Thankfully we are next up.

Two chicks in hazmat suits greet us. Quick explanation, she said itā€™s not pleasant , she would count to ten. Now it did suck, but she quick counted to ten. I recorded it and it was 6-7 seconds tops. I would prefer it done right. Anyway , both nostrils, sort of like a throat swab, only up the nose to the brain. No after pain or after effects . Now the wait 4-5 das for results .


South Carolina 682 today beating their previous high of 514 by over 30%

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10 seconds both nostrils is overkill tbh. Lots of places do it because they want to make sure the swab isnā€™t wasted, but as long as the swab is coated in mucus it is fine.

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lol Alaska with R around 5.

Itā€™s all happening in my county, and we didnā€™t even really have any protests