covid19 making a comeback in the CR. The loosening of restrictions and ending the state of emergency likely made this expected. The R0 is once again above 1. There were protests against the leading party (ANO) in 150 cities/towns in the CR including over a thousand people protesting in Prague. While they were wearing masks, it’s still not a good thing.

In Prague, a total of 2,230 cases were confirmed. There have been 1,400 recoveries and 97 deaths meaning that there are currently 733 active cases in the city.

I suppose the government figures that so long as the virus is contained that an increase in the number of cases isn’t a huge deal. Personally, I think we should be more concerned. I’ll be going into school to conduct exams this week. Thankfully, school will probably be around 20% full. So, social distancing will be easy.


Also my worst. My asthma has ramped up to the highest levels since youth. I hate not knowing if it’s another day of shit allergies or Corona onset

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Seen on reddit


Friendly reminder that you do not want to get yourself addicted to nicotine.


I’m sorry that this was your experience, if not what bad article are u pulling it from? This post is gibberish and filled with jealousy and animosity.

I’m in my upper 40s and date to girls in their 20s and it’s not uncommon. The Puritan like age dating stigmas that you describe are ancient history.

The Villages is full of white wealthy adults that are already in good health to begin with. It’s no surprise they escaping the brunt of this.

I was wondering if they were mostly above the median at their age for net worth in FL.

Oh God yea. They have so much money that they have $10K spiffed out golf carts to drive down their 1,000 foot parking lot and get the mail. Hell I’m surprised they don’t make the mailman drive up to the house.

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If there’s a wealthy community near a Publix in Florida, I guarantee there’s a sign saying golf carts are allowed on the road.

Tons of guys get married and have kids around 40. Not at all unusual. She’s out there. If that’s what’s going to happen and you want to date on the serious side, then I’d say it’s ok to start dating during this time. Meet online. If it clicks then figure when meeting in person is right. One on one interactions is a pretty small increase in risk profile. Good time to do a first date outdoors.

As always my personal advice is based around my own need for entertainment. All choices come down to what is the best story for my (Dan’s) amusement. Your feelings and others idea of entertainment are irrelevant. :laughing:


The Philadelphia ABC news just ran a 15 second story on how “asymptomatic people dont spread COVID”.

Literally just said that and that the WHO said theres no evidence its spread by asymptomatic people and only by those with symptoms.

Infuriating. Absolutely irresponsible.


I would like to point out that I was mocked by some on this forum for immediately calling bullshit on the original story and suggesting that it would end up being consumed and believed by the masses even after they walked it back.


This just seems insane to me

French food is over-rated.

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Lol @ any male in their mid 30’s worried about their biological clock.


Mexico is incredible. But Italy wins for me.


I’d prefer to marry someone close to my age, so really I’m worried about some unknown woman I hope to meet someday’s biological clock. Also worried about the dating pool being narrowed down so far that it’s tough to find someone good, but I guess the pandemic doesn’t really influence that unless I’m in a very small percentage sitting it out - which is a distinct possibility.

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From the online dating thread on 2+2, doesn’t sound like there’s much going on at all on the dating apps/sites. One or two guys are doing Zoom dates, but that’s about it.

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Hope so, there’s no telling for sure. I’ve run pretty bad in that department, so we’ll see.

Yeah I’m still essentially not going out at all, but maybe I’ll see where Philly is at in a couple weeks and if we don’t shoot up from reopening it might be time to get back out there in more ways than one.

Lol you’d have fit right in with a couple of my buddies back in college. Their advice was always based on their own entertainment, and thus almost always ignored.

I guess that’s good if I’m not falling behind the dating pool. I have a couple matches on Tinder, I guess I’ll message them and see if any make it through the long, slow screening process.

Our company had a big meeting about working from home today. Mandatory work from home till at least August and nobody forced to go to the office till next year which is good news. More interesting was the discussion around working from home permanently and working from any place you want. Apparently WFH studies have shown that even though people working from home perform better on average they get promoted way less than average. They admit that is a management problem but are not sure how to prevent this. As for working from any place there are tax issues with that so my plan to work 8 months in Australia and 4 months somewhere else are on ice for now.

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