Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Never gonna top this one:



Iron has posted about what he generally eats in the past. IIRC, it’s more or less what you would imagine Turley’s diet to be if Turley was not extremely well off (assuming he is) and ate 100% of his meals out.

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Yes, exactly. Both of you. I can’t even picture what a spicy tuna roll looks like, much less have tried one.

To put it another way if goofy and iron got a coupon for a free meal at Ruby Tuesday, they would have exactly the opposite reactions to it.

There are 1,800 Applebee’s in USA #1. How?

Mexican and Italian are the only acceptable ethnic food, and then only Americanized versions.

I live within walking distance of Chicago.

I only eat at Mexican restaurants that serve horchata and cabeza tacos.

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There’s a reason why food gets Americanized: that’s what Americans want to eat.

How fat do you get on the MAGA diet?

Pretty fat. 6’0", 250.



Its still the only real casual dining place in a lot of small towns I guess. Lexington is down to 1, because hell Lexington has enough other places why go to Applebees. But three of our close neighboring cities have 1.



This post should result in a ban. I am 100% serious.



Chicken Tikka sandwiches WTF… That stuff is bad enough with rice. :roll_eyes:

Don’t @me I’m a UKer who’s hated that since the 90’s… Take your cream and s…

A coronation chicken sandwich & now we’re talking :eyes:

It’s bad enough that that even got invented for Birmingham WAG’s nevermind it being exported.

It’s a good question to figure out who not to take out to an Indian restaurant. :joy:

Chicken with almost anything else=heaven almost everytime, :sweat_smile:how could they fuck up so badly. :grimacing:

Rant over… :rofl:

“The deaths of at least four workers in recent days are raising questions about whether supermarkets will be able to hire enough workers to continue operations”

Old idiots think that millennials are either in college or just out.
