Can’t believe I’m the only one who took advantage of poll fail and selected both options.

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Ah, only 41 others disagree with you

You’re a glass half empty sort of person, I see.

I gotta be honest. I don’t remember what my post meant lol

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My favorite thing about Cali is the warm nights. Lived in Sac/Roseville for 5 years and I miss that weather. Can’t get the wife to move back though.

Coastal California rarely has warm nights.

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Very true. I made the mistake of going to a SF giants game with no sweatshirt once.

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I bought a $90 hoodie at a game and a damn cap and was still cold af.

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Found this article discussing the interaction with covid and blood vessels interesting. One upshot is keep taking statins/ace2 inhibitors if they’ve been prescribed.

some related info Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies

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Woohoo double protected. Plus I make sure to take 2000 IU vit D and get sun when possible. Party time! When’s the ballgame?


Also, if covered by insurance this is probably a good time to get annual/biannual health check-up and labs. I did so in January and it’s good to make sure everything is ok, get some standard tests and have a baseline. This is even if you’re healthy and haven’t been to the doctor in 5 years.

Scientists @Danspartan and @Trolly may be interested in this…


It seems like mask compliance is extremely high, unlike the Spring Break/Ozarks crowds. If Japan’s numbers are any indication, wearing a mask seems to greatly mitigate the COVID spread risk of dense gatherings.

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There section below seems like gibberish to me. If you talk about modelling and don’t discuss the math it’s just useless.


We’ve been comparing the UK and Germany to try to explain the comparatively low fatality rates in Germany. The answers are sometimes counterintuitive. For example, it looks as if the low German fatality rate is not due to their superior testing capacity, but rather to the fact that the average German is less likely to get infected and die than the average Brit. Why? There are various possible explanations, but one that looks increasingly likely is that Germany has more immunological “dark matter” – people who are impervious to infection, perhaps because they are geographically isolated or have some kind of natural resistance. This is like dark matter in the universe: we can’t see it, but we know it must be there to account for what we can see.

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Seems like we can just label anything we haven’t figured out “dark matter” and call it a day.


That doesn’t sound like gibberish to me, it sounds like a claim of superior German genetics, which would be a bit… historically loaded.


I read one article that said they were looking into why so few smokers in China required hospitalization. It was a statistically large enough sample size that it drew enough attention to be studied. They were thinking maybe nicotine acts like an anti inflammatory within the lungs? Also read somewhere that smoking weed might reduce effects of covid. Then I read the opposite and that both cig and pot smokers were in more danger. The bottom line is they just don’t fucking know enough about this strain yet and are grasping at straws

Science is messy.

I’ve been to a few different stores over the past week (local hardware store for a new gas can, local butcher, gas station, takeout twice, grocery store once). Each place everyone had a mask except two people that didn’t have one and they were asked to leave the respective store until they did have one. I’d say people are respecting their distances from one another more but this is New England where we’re not exactly known for our hospitatly and willligness to interact with other people anyway so we’ve got that going for us.