How are these protests not going to become super spreaders? No way this doesn’t eliminate all progress we made with the original shutdown right?

I guess the optimistic case is outdoors + masks limits it somewhat, but when I think travel + large gatherings + yelling + people getting confined in tight spaces (paddy wagons, cells, etc), yeah, it seems bad.

I never really realized until now how much it really deeply sucks to live through big historical shifts.


I didn’t realize the rules across california were so different, or that San Diego was one of the strictest. Really doesn’t seem like a big deal here for most people to be wearing masks, shit even when pumping gas at a Costco they have signs now that say you have to wear your mask and everyone has them on except 1-2 boomers. The opening rush at Costco of 100 people waiting to get in everyone is standing in line in the parking lot waiting with their masks on. I go to the beach and everybody walking around has masks on or at least has a mask with them.

So anyway, my prediction that we were drawing live to societal collapse seems to still be quite live.


Yea best case scenario is our lives are disrupted for 2 years before going to a new normal that’s better than the old normal.

It wouldn’t surprise me if progress is set back a generation. And that’s a BEST case scenario. Scary to think what a worse case scenario looks like.

Florida sometimes goes 3-4 months without the temperature going below 70 (21C).

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105 in LV is not nearly as bad as the humid heat in Florida. But then sometimes it’s 120 in LV.

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Yeah 90+ in dry desert areas is surprisingly tolerable.

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The most hungover / physically ill I’ve ever been in my life followed a Vegas bachelor party weekend full of day drinking in 90+ degree heat.


Do you want to be dehydrated? Because that’s how you get dehydrated.

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One concern I have is essential warehouse employees. I used to work in a warehouse. No way they are going to wear masks doing physical work when its 95+ degrees out.

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Bunch of people who are soon to be victims of carbon monoxide poisoning, if you ask me.

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If it’s in the 110s on the reg in the summer, the best part of every summer day is likely ~9PM.

You will have the last laugh!


Soak in an ice bath you poor thing. I hope your skin is not blistering too bad,

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We have some long periods in the summer in Texas where it doesn’t get below 80 for weeks and weeks. After a 103 day an 84 degree night is not nearly as refreshing as one might have hoped.

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Looks like some liberal got a hold of those mail in ballots here and committed some of that Democrat voter fraud.


I’m kind of surprised more people didn’t take advantage of their ability to select two options.

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I didn’t vote, but when I noticed that, I was very tempted to vote both.