Another explanation is that the “OPEN FOR BUSINESS!” “ITS JUST THE FLU” psychopaths are really a tiny minority and irrespective of whether a state reopens or not the vast majority of people are still hunkering in their homes, wearing masks, and staying the fuck away from other people.


So they’re wearing a mask and you’re not? Seems a little douchey.

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I interpreted the post as going to the restaurant, you’re guaranteed contact with one masked person, the host/server. Then enjoying it 10 feet apart from anyone on a patio.

Would only do it if I didn’t have my own porch to drink beer on. Would never risk it if I didn’t.

I’m 33 and not sure how many bong rips over the course of a life puts you in the at-risk category so I’m playing this as safe as I can.


I have to say, I’ve been kind of surprised at mask wearing the last two weeks ago here in NH. I’d say probably 80% are wearing masks doing their grocery shopping

Nah. We always wear masks when in direct contact with someone else. I agree with you.

Voted yes because of where I live.

If I lived someplace else, my vote may have been different.

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For clarity: I’m talking about a brewery patio.

changing my vote to a no. Not doing that yet in UK - no way in US


For me the place would have to be mostly empty, and with a healthy breeze. Obviously we’d sit in a way where neither person is downwind from the other.

But then again if was going to do something like this I would much much rather just go over to the person’s place or my place and sit out on the back patio.

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Wearing a mask isn’t really an option while drinking. Yesterday at the restaurant, I wore a mask to order then took it off. Couldn’t figure out how to make a straw work.

I know. That’s my point. I would feel like a douche going to a patio with a friend and taking off my mask while they kept theirs on.

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I looked at states in a bit more detail last night. It really is just a handful with 7 day rolling average positive case rate trend with an R^2 above 0.8. Not on my laptop currently. I think it was NC AL WI WA WV and maybe 1-2 more.

WA is still well below it’s peak but the growth rate was pretty high (albeit from a recent low background).

The others are at peak or rebounding up from a mild dip.

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I had a beer and stood around outside drinking it towards the end of my hike last week. There’s a bar/restaurant up a ways on Mt. Baldy that’s usually packed this time of year on a weekend. Now they’re selling box lunches and beer and have the bathrooms open and that’s it.

The place looked spotless inside, bartender was wearing gloves. First draft beer in months, so good.

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I’m on the NH Seacoast and that’s been my observation as well.

There’s really no way to wear a mask while eating and drinking, although I’d probably bring a mask and then hold it over my face when the server is at my table.

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I worked in kennebunk today and it was probably 90%. Just from the conversation I get the impression that many still think it’s overblown but they’re wearing the mask because “why not?”

Which is great

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Vegas hit 100 degrees this week. Basically zero mask use outside. I went to the grocery store the other day, did the pickup thing outside so I got to watch people go in. Most people were wearing masks to go in (it’s a requirement to enter I believe). The only people not wearing masks outside were white guys obviously, and I saw a couple get rejected to go back in.

Can’t imagine the flood of people that is going to show up on the 3rd, basically everyone from the red states like NC that are posting record numbers. Woof

The people I see without masks are inevitably middle age men, with a sprinkling of trashy 20-something couples.


Sounds about right

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