Imagine Belgium authorities having to clarify “No no the Prince was not at a 27 person orgy, it was only a 12 person orgy!”


Be careful not to overdo it though. You wouldn’t want to be the latest victim of fan death.

I’m back from my walk now, sitting in front of the fan with my shirt off. I’m feeling optimistic about my survival chances.


Ex-WHO chief adds to Trump criticism

We reported earlier that criticism of Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the World Health Organization was growing.

Now, Anders Nordström - who was acting-director of the WHO from 2006 to 2008 - has voiced his own concerns.

He told the BBC: "I think the risk we face now, with this announcement from the US, is that we will escalate in some way the global tension around what we have right now, which is the largest health crisis we’ve seen in modern times.

“And that’s very serious, because we need to have global cooperation, we need to have global solidarity, we need to be able to work together. This actually risks now escalating political tensions and I’m deeply concerned about that.”

The WHO itself and its current Director, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, are yet to issue a response to Trump’s announcement.

Patios are packed today!! All servers wearing them, ~20% of patrons. Tables mostly spaced out 6+ feet.

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Just apply a pint


Off topic, but SpaceX launch is inside 30 minutes and the weather looks optimistic. Perhaps virus nerds are also space nerds.


They were Antifa monkeys.


Wait a second. 80 degrees Fahrenheit is considered dangerously hot across the Atlantic?

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Pretty sure they’re joking lol.

But as someone with super light skin and lots of arm hair 90 degrees starts to become pretty uncomfortable. Which means I’m pretty fucked in CA lol.

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In the UK they call a day in the upper 70s a “scorcher.”


True, this sun has been beating down all day. :v:

My brother has melted… :joy:

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I wonder what communal / family style restaurants do where people share tables across groups.

Makes me want to go to a benihana style restaurant alone so I get an entire table and chef for myself.

They issue emergency heat warnings that everyone should stay indoors except for travel when it is above 22.

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Seems sanitary to me.

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and if it gets much higher than that travel is out too - our roads melt and our train tracks buckle.


First poll and I’m on mobile so I might have fucked this up.

Are you comfortable going to have a beer on a patio if you are guaranteed contact with only 1 person in a mask and you are 10+ feet from another person?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

No, no way. 700 new cases in my state yesterday. Whats the point, if I want the beer, I’ll pick it up and bring it home.

That’s a bad choice of photo but as chance would have it I literally just got back from here. It was very safe. Wait in car to go in. Must wear mask whole time. Tons of sanitation throughout. Only doing two cuts at a time way separated. No cash.

Seems about as safe as possible.

I’m assuming this is my patio or theirs and when you say " only 1 person in a mask" you mean
there will only be 1 person, they’re wearing a mask and 10ft+ away
and not
they’ll be loads of people and only 1 will be wearing a mask (that’s because he’s got C19).

Gotta trust them and their routine also obv … and be thirsty.