I wish I was kidding. I have to be careful small talk doesn’t cross the line into flirting. My social skills are so awful any kind of move would amount to harassment.

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I don’t even hate that county locking down late. Staying open while you have zero cases and locking down when you get a few is fine.


Me either. I’m actually shocked in a pleasant way that they threw it in reverse

My most memorable poop was in Yellowstone on a wide open expanse in the middle of a 9 day hike.


I shit 4 times on a day hike up San Bernardino Peak, my personal best. The harder I get pushed the more my body wants to expel.

My biggest fear is falling in it, then rolling down the mountain, then laying there injured, with my pants down, covered in shit - and having to yell for help.


Bring your negative COVID test result document with you and use that as an ice-breaker.

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Any female out drinking here is basically a COVID truther.
I’m worried about getting drunk and making bad decisions that may end up with me getting the Covid.

Tired: hoarding toilet paper at home.
Wired: using the restrooms in reopened restaurants one at a time
Inspired: pooping out in the great wide open.


Like, isn’t online dating still a real thing? Find a girl online, chat for a bit, and then as long as you trust each other are sheltering in place properly and taking proper precautions, meeting at each other’s places isn’t much added risk.

Right. I discussed a previous Bumble match I had with a COVID truther a week or two ago itt. I was going off Zikzak’s (I think) post about possibly going to a bar where tables are separated outside.

In today’s episode of troubling data we have:

-Florida hitting the highest number of new cases since April 17.
-North Carolina having their second highest day of new cases ever.
-Arizona having their highest day of new cases ever.
-Mississippi having their second highest day of new cases ever.
-Wisconsin having their highest day of new cases ever.
-South Carolina having their highest day of new cases ever.
-Utah having their highest day of new cases ever.

That is just based on the incomplete data we have so far. Reopening is going just great guys!


I had been looking forward to maybe joining you on one of these hikes.


Just don’t hike downhill from him, you want the poop to roll away from you.

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article about Mongolia’s response


I’ve previously spoken highly about Montana in all of this, and we’re still doing fairly well in terms of raw numbers. But I had to pick up some essentials in town yesterday and we are OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Traffic was basically back to normal, and probably 2% of shoppers were wearing masks. Our current numbers are low enough that this will take a while to explode, but it’s hard to imagine a fall scenario that isn’t terrible.

Mongolia is basically Montana - with one major city that isn’t very densely packed.

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It’s an opinion article, everyone in the country is one city basically and your sparse population comment is addressed very early in the article

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I wanted to read the whole article, but I got so annoyed with the writing I gave up before I even got 1/3rd of the way through.

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It’s not very well written, I’ll give you that. Still an interesting and not too long of a read

Finally caught up. I’ve been playing around in R Studio, using the Johns Hopkins datasets, and have some code that might be useful to others. I checked it in to the unstuck github org, under the repo GitHub - unstuck-pol-dev/covid19: Code to analyze data about the COVID-19 pandemic . The relevant things you can do are to generate a graph with county cases and deaths on a single plot, with values or log10(values), generate a similar plot for a state, or any aggregation of counties that can be selected via a grep expression.

There’s also some other ancillary stuff, including code to do a lol cubic regression on the NY deaths data. In the main file, I also have code to generate a plot of NY vs the rest of the U.S., shown below.

Feel free to submit issues in github, or join the org if you want. I’ll probably try to write some scripts to generate a bunch of plots daily, and once that’s in place, I should be able to add counties or whatever easily.