Great news.

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Yes, although guns cost a fair amount of money. I know people who would have a hard time scraping up gun money who still have guns.

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Just in case people did not read the article, the Northern California county had zero Covid cases up until their reopening started in early May. They now have four.

I guess magic really is not going to save the day.

For sure this. I live in Texas and people who canā€™t put shoes on their kids still have an arsenal and a stockpile.

Got to be ready in case you see the government over step their authority and murder people right in front of you.

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Weā€™re the monkees.

Just checked in for my eye appointment. Office is definitely srs bzns.

Social distancing markers on the floor. I was asked questions and then temperature screened before I was allowed more than a step inside the door. Check-in kiosks are labelled as ā€œsanitizedā€ or ā€œdo not use.ā€

Masks are required, hand sanitizer everywhere.

Now Iā€™m waiting in my car for a text because they donā€™t want people in the waiting room.


Iā€™m partaking in outdoor dining which opened today. Distancing, masks for waitstaff blah blah. No temp checks.

You really hate cooking, huh?


You couldnā€™t pay me to go to a restaurant right now


I just went for a cataract evaluation yesterday and they had similar procedures there.

In fact, when I finally met with the doctor (after an hour of various tests administered by mask wearing techs), the two of us sat outside with masks at least 8 feet apart, with a tech at least this far away taking notes.

Reopened California waterfall closes again as crowds leave turds

A popular waterfall hiking trail in Ventura County, California, has been forced to close again only two weeks after the park was given the green light from health officials to reopen.

The new closure of Wildwood Park and Paradise Falls is due to litter and human waste from "unprecedented crowds that behaved differently than they have in the pastā€, according to a statement from park officials.

The statement blamed the record crowds for violating the ā€œsense of shared responsibility that makes safe park management and protection of the environment feasibleā€.

"Then there were problems with human waste and sanitation as many used areas along the creek both upstream and downstream as a toilet, and wetland vegetation was trampled,ā€ the release adds.

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God I canā€™t wait to get back on the hiking trail and take a dump.


Bravo dude. Great to hear that things worked out there. Shitty that it took all that work on your behalf, but good on ya all the same.

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Which means they likely have many multiples more than 4 out there

I canā€™t believe they are closing the park and trampling on my right to take a turd in public. I mean, you donā€™t have to take a turd if you donā€™t want to. But do not tell me where I can and cannot make my doodies. #MAGA.

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Where the hell am I supposed to take a shit if not the middle of a public park?


Not enough people died of covid19 at The Villages I see.

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5 regions of New York State proceeding to Phase 2 of re-opening today! I will officially be eligible to enjoy a haircut and some outdoor iced tea.

But will Iā€¦Iā€™ve built some self-hair-cutting expertise over the last 11 weeks (holy shit today marks 11 weeks of work-from-home/near lockdown), and I donā€™t really even like iced tea that muchā€¦

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