This is insanity.

Iā€™ve been told by my deplorable mom that the $600/wk has been extended and weā€™re getting another $1200 stimulus check. She doesnā€™t understand how a bill becomes a law, apparently.

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One of the things Iā€™m certain of is that none of the remaining deplorables who actually understand how stuff works are not psychopaths.


Perhaps the science deniers and low information folks are doing the rest of us a favor by tasting to the milk to see if it is spoiled, so to speak. Are they the true heros?

Lol if only. To bad the milk is contagious


Writers just phoning it in before the bank holiday weekend, real hacky stuff.


'Tis true, but they arenā€™t going to splash it on me in my house. Obviously terrible for those that arenā€™t able to protect themselves for whatever reason, but the toothpaste is out of the tube so we might as well look at the bright side.

This paragraph is wonderful:

It is the latest example of the highly intelligent, red-faced rhesus macaques taking advantage of Indiaā€™s nationwide lockdown to combat the spread of coronavirus

They seem to have been more effective than the humans in my country anyhow.

I still have a lot of people tell me we are going to get 2k a month. The news really does suck at disseminating information.

Yesterday had, by a fairly wide margin, the highest number of worldwide cases ever.

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For those of you still fighting to get unemployment, or if anyone was actually interested in my situationā€¦ I have GOOD NEWS!

I applied on 3/15 and was approved a week later but had not received any money as my claim needed a review by a DOL employee for some reason. 700+ phone calls went unanswered as did several emails. I decided to contact my state senator and Assemblywoman via email three weeks. The Assemblywomans office replied the next day saying they filed a legislative inquiry on my behalf with the DOL. Two weeks after that I was told the issue was fixed. It wasnā€™t. Assemblywoman reached out once more to find out what the issue wasā€¦ AND IT WORKED! I just got back pay for the last 8 weeks deposited in my account. Hoping the $600 shows up too, but I am just thrilled to get some of the money Iā€™m entitled to.

So if you are still having issues, try reaching out to your state reps. Us peons canā€™t get through to the DOL but the politicians can.


Disagree completely, the irreverence keeps me engaged. #teammonkey

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Awesome! Good perseverance.


No they are just following a time honored tradition of ripping off plots. This time from the latest Planet of the Apes series.

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Watched the OG Planet of the Apes last week. It really holds up and kept the interest of both my young kids. My son was really concerned when Charlton Heston lost his voice.


This is good advice for pretty much anything. A good portion of my job, especially during covid work from home, is responding to random shit from state reps and city Councilmembers. For better or worse weā€™re expected to basically drop everything and respond to whatever random constituent request we get if it comes from an elected official.

Being a Karen works!


I mean in a way this is good for November. If a lot of people really think/expect this and then it becomes obvious come fall that weā€™re getting nothing, theyā€™re gonna be pissed. Obviously some portion will just blame Pelosi or something without doing any research but those folks were never changing their vote anyway.

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