It’s pretty wild that we’re opening up before even peaking.

Even wilder


What is their strategy here? Just that lots of people will die but not enough for people to freak out? It’s not just blind stupidity.

So decided to take a week off and go to the beach with the wife and kids. My parents have a house off the beach in gulf shores so we can still be secluded. Anyways we just got down here this afternoon man and this fuckin place is OPEN FOR BUSINESS, not a mask in sight, restaurants and retail packed with lines out the door at restaurants and people just waiting in big lines to get in.

Oh and the amusement park right where you come in to town was already quite busy at 5pm with people packed into lines waiting for go carts and shit. Can’t imagine what that place will be like tonight or how this entire area was last weekend.

And I get people won’t be wearing masks to the beach or walking down the road but I’m sure they aren’t putting them on when they hit the hotel lobby or go to restaurant for dinner.

I don’t remember the number or the details but something like half of the latest cases in Los Angeles County are in a prison. My wife used to volunteer there but she stopped going a few months ago.

Eta: correction, it was half the inmates have it.

There are a lot of old sick people there. There’s a prison hospital.


They’ve announced new rugby rules. It’s bizarre. Hard to explain to someone who doesn’t know the sport, but it’s basically aimed at reducing but not eliminating close contact.

I guess the hospital equivalent would be allowing your ER patients to cough in the nurses face 4 times instead of 10.

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Just read up on the proposed changes - rugby is all about close contact.

I figured the scrum would be problematic - they should have snorkels - or just stick to 7s

I think you’re basically right. The assumption is that we’ve all been conditioned by now to accept a certain casualty count. So as long as the daily death toll doesn’t spike too high most people will just keep trudging along (especially if you can provide them with some creature comforts that make it feel more like the before times like dinner at a restaurant, church services, the new Wonder Woman movie on a big screen, the 'Horns playing in front of a big crowd, etc.)

I think that’s the hope. Not enough of people who matter will notice or care what the death toll is. What complaints they make can be answered by blaming China or Obama. Not just in Texas.

Let’s all take a moment to remember that all these “my rights don’t end at your fear” idiots were all FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about Ebola - including Trump.

Well they aren’t going to accurately count cases and deaths, so there’s that.

“Go ahead and wear one. That is your choice. But while you have the choice to wear or not wear the mask, do not at the same time take away my choice to not wear a mask or to wear one. Thus, my answer to your question would be this, I DO support the changing of the signs to ‘requested’ vs. ‘required,” said Tammy Glanville of the Village of McClure.


Same boat here. Wife lost her job three weeks ago. She’s had a lot of interviews, at least, and some are promising, so we’ll see.

Make sure you check to see what kind of subsidy you can get if you go the ACA route. The plan isn’t good, but we got an $1,100 plan for a family of four down to $365.

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I’ll look into that, cheers. Good luck to you and yours.

County water service came out today to repair a leaking supply line in my yard (thankfully it was on their side of the meter, so it’s on them). The two technicians weren’t wearing masks, which I get, since it’s hot and humid and they are doing tough work. I just hope they had to get tested for work, as they were next to each other the whole time.

They came to my door twice, of course not wearing masks. I stayed back as much as I could, but was still within six feet. I would guess everything is fine. Odds are they aren’t sick and they were outside while I was inside, so any droplets likely didn’t get to me.

Now I get to see the eye doctor tomorrow. Joy. It’s been a week since the dentist and no symptoms.

I’ve going next week for physical therapy on my stalled hamstring recovery. I expect the whole nine yards of temp taking, questions, masks, limited occupancy, etc.

Almost forgot about this post but checked back and, wow, got a lot of responses on the poll.

I guess the more serious point underlying posting the pic was how absurd it is to think that we can just “open for business” and everything will go back to the way it was before. We are so, so far from that it’s not even funny.

Anyway, I’d also be interested in hearing from anyone who voted Yes. Just having a laff or what? I mean, the place does look very nice if you ignore the cones of [silence | shame].

“Governor Kemp issues Executive Orders extending the Public Health State of Emergency, limiting gatherings and allowing bars and nightclubs to reopen with restrictions.”


Most of the big sports stadiums in Texas are now retractable domes or closed arenas.

If they open the tiny hole in the roof to let the corona out they can play ball?

lol anyone who goes and watches any sports event even with 10k-20k people.

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Hmm I thought they said kids don’t get it and don’t pass it on?