103-year-old celebrates recovery with beer

It was not just the bottle!

A 103-year-old nursing home resident in the US state of Massachusetts has marked her recovery from Covid-19 with… a Bud Light beer.

Jennie Stejna was sick for around three weeks, according to her family. She had a low-grade fever, had to be moved to a separate ward and spoke on the phone with her family to say her last goodbyes. But on 13 May, she finally beat the virus.

“This feisty old Polish grandmother of ours officially beat the coronavirus,” her family announced on Facebook. They added that when they asked her earlier if she was ready to go to heaven, Stejna responded: “Hell yes.”

To celebrate, staff at her nursing home brought her a bottle of Bud Light, which she used to drink while watching Boston Red Sox baseball games.



Trump marks ‘very sad milestone’ of 100,000 deaths

US President Donald Trump has tweeted that the country passing 100,000 deaths amid the coronavirus is a “very sad milestone”.

The US has seen more fatalities than any other country, while its 1.69 million confirmed infections account for about 30% of the worldwide total.

Trump has insisted that without his administration’s actions the death toll would be 25 times higher, though critics have accused him of a slow response.

State governors have also been blamed for failing to grasp early enough the lethal threat that the virus posed to nursing homes.

Buddy sent me this add he received:

Probably ponied but I’d be surprised if we get any particular effective treatments. We’ve known about similar viruses as well as influenza for years and barely have any effective treatments for those. We’ll probably get a lot of lightly tested miracle cures which make drug companies a lot of money on the way to finding out they don’t do much, though.

Edit: this was from a drug development standpoint, we will possibly find more things (like proning) that make a significant difference, and if not at least marginal improvements will come with time.

Forget herd immunity…

Antibody test estimates 7% of England has been infected

About 7% of people in England have previously been infected with coronavirus, antibody tests on a random sample of households suggest.

The new data was released by the Office for National Statistics study and is based on blood samples taken from 885 people from private households after 26 April.

The study estimates that about one in 15 people in England have had the virus.

These tests detect antibodies which form in the blood when the body fights infections such as Covid-19.

The same survey also found that an estimated 133,000 people are currently infected with the virus - 0.24% of the population.

Read more:

About 7% have had coronavirus, says ONS survey

Hooray! R0 dropped below 1 again in the CR.

Over 70% of covid19 patients have been cured in the CR. The number of active cases is less than half its peak total. Now that the whole coal mine fiasco is accounted for, the numbers have returned to normal here. I mean we’re not Germany or Austria good regarding covid19 but we’re on our way.

Seems that the real increase in total cases is coming from the Americas at the moment while growth in Europe is slowing quite a bit.


One good Catholic decided to attend two different masses on the same day just before testing positive for Covid. The two churches are now going to suspend services.


Churches are probably the biggest vector for spreading after stadiums and arenas. So of course Trump had to demand they reopen.

Would be a little worthwhile if church goers were able to come around to blaming, the pastors, ministers, priests and church leaders for foolish decisions, but that will NEVER happen.

Plus they all want their 10% of the $600 unemployment add on, and they know it is much harder to collect remotely than in person.

contact tracing = snitching

“If we’re [only allowed to be at 25 percent capacity], I want them to be the 25 percent of people that aren’t p-----, that aren’t sheep,” he said, according to the newspaper. “Being scared all the time isn’t good for your health. It suppresses your immune system.”

"It’s more of a push back — the snitches and the contact tracers out there,‘’ Smith said. “This is still a rural county.”

“You should have a choice of what you want to do,” he said. “If I get it, I get it. If I do, I’ll deal with that. You can’t live forever.”


New York continues to make a huge testing push. Over 65,000 tests processed yesterday with postive rate at 2.7%. Cuomo had Chris Rock and Rosie Perez show up at his press conference in Brooklyn today to encourage people to get tested and wear a mask.

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whoa so alpha. i wish i had a dick as big as this guy so i could actually feel comfortable walking into a bar and drinking a beer without crying right now. i’m so unhealthy sitting in my house quivering scared all day i need to go out and strengthen my immune system by sitting in this dipshits bar lmao

wait you left out the best/saddest part

Charles Chamberlain, a regular patron at the bar, told the outlet that he’s fine with the no-mask policy, even as a stage 4 cancer and H1N1 virus survivor, which puts him at high risk for severe complications from the coronavirus. “You should have a choice of what you want to do,” he said. “If I get it, I get it. If I do, I’ll deal with that. You can’t live forever.”

sick own by whoever put a link in the words “high risk for severe complications” right before his dumbass quote lol

I thought that was 5G …I’m so confused.


Wait is having gone through H1N1 a known risk group here? I had it in college - really miserable 7-10 days, but I don’t think I had any lasting effects from it.

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I think it was just badly worded, their link doesn’t say anything about H1N1 and it’s not clear why surviving that would put you at risk unless you had an extremely serious case and got damaged lungs.

It’s a pretty serious failing of public health messaging that so many people still don’t seem to realize the mask is to protect other people.


Nah, it’s genius. They’re not actively lying about it, the main public messaging is “slow the spread”. But compliance is going to be higher if people think masks will protect the wearer.

people are talking about how skype missed out on an easy layup with the crisis, but i think more people will remember university of phoenix’s failure to capitalize on a market they previously dominated


Also telling someone it’s to protect others leads to the derpy “but I feel fine! Guess I don’t need one” response.

Orange county CA is OPEN FOR BUSINESS, even the hair salons.

We were enjoying a pretty low infection rate and I was pretty comfortable going out and about to run errands before, but i suspect in a month’s time it’s gonna be quite a different story.

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This is absolutely mind boggling how many times ive had to explain this.