Hair Salons, Gyms and Casinos are the lifeblood of America! Are you against America?

Ok boomer


When are the gun shops opening?

They never closed

Keep Twitter running for 1A and gun shops for 2A.


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Seriously jal, gun shops stayed open in most or all of the states.

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So how much salt is in your goatee, and how good do you look when you ride your Harley in your wrap-around shades?

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I was going to make this statement as a sarcastic post, then withheld as I just knew it could be true, and here it is, confirmation.

Talked to a guy last week who already had guns and bought another one because he thought the virus would bring mass rioting and civil unrest. Because clearly the third gun is essential, lol deplorables



Wouldnā€™t you buy more ammo instead? You can only shoot one gun at a time.

In spite of all this talk about Southern California, thereā€™s still no traffic in LA during rush hour, not by LA standards.

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Yeah I noticed that last week. Iā€™m working from home for the forseeable future - as I imagine are the majority of office drones. We just can get our buttholes waxed now.

June 4, yeah Iā€™ll get right on that

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Lol at people buying guns during this. What a waste of money. How about you give me 1/2 the money you spend on guns and Iā€™ll reassure you that your dick is gigantic and women find you irresistible.


Iā€™m pretty sure that the NRA is a factor, they use every news event as an opportunity to push people to buy more guns and also to solicit financial contributions.

Technically you can, just not by a professional. I say go for it and do it yourself.

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I got into it with a deplorable acquaintance during the Obama years. He was on his soap box about how much Obama hated America.

Me: He hates America? In what way?

Him: Wellā€¦he hates my vision for America.

Me: You mean the one where the Confederacy won?


I canā€™t speak to this myself, but I believe someone yesterday (Dan maybe?) had some insight into the reliability of this graph.

Atlantaā€™s traffic congestion is also a tiny fraction of what it normally is.

Wild guess Iā€™d say weā€™re 30-40% of typical activity levels even now. But increasing steadily each week. Restaurants have been allowed to have dine-in for a month, but most still donā€™t offer it. The parking lot at my office building is probably 5% the normal number of cars.

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