We’ve adopted 6 cats from our local humane society. They have always been very pleasant, but with the adoption process there is basically a lot of legalese that essentially states you’re a long team leaseholder of the animal, not the owner. Two cats ago we adopted a cat with an unsuspected heart issue that lived about two years before dying after around 25K in vet bills. When we went to the humane society, we were required to have our vet furnish them with the medical records from the previous cat. They (at least at that humane society) takes that stuff seriously.



You’re not sure about that, you say? LOL

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If fucking only.

It’s generally called “the locker room”.

$25k… holy shit!

Yeah, I know. Wife’s cat, 2K here, 3K there - meter spun pretty fast and pretty soon priced in. I’m not saying it was smart, but we didn’t regret it.


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It has been a difficult mating season for birdperson.


Daily confirmed COVID hospital and nursing home deaths since peak (from Cuomo press conference)
April 8: 799

May 1: 299

May 20: 105
May 21: 109
May 22: 84
May 23: 109
May 24: 96
May 25: 73

Statewide positive rate currently at 3%. Long Island will start phase 1 of reopening tomorrow, meaning every region of the state except for NYC will be partially reopened. NYC will probably meet the requirements for reopening by next week.

I’m still nervous about the city reopening even a little bit. I just hope that new cases are low enough, testing is high enough, and behavior has changed enough to keep things under control.

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Not to mention it isn’t even true. We are at 17,800 so far today and still missing some data. Mother’s Day which was only 15 days ago we had right at 18,000. We almost certainly break that today.

Still cheaper than having a string of mistresses

NY made a ton of progress from May 1st-present. I am going to guess there are going to be some reopening states wishing they had stayed closed even a couple weeks longer here soon.

Gee, you dont say

Nope. Got two more free cats, though



Remarkable recovery from those countries. Beats the Czech Republic. Our active cases are at half their peak total which was 6 weeks ago.

Only problem is that they’re going back up slowly because the number of daily recoveries has gone down a lot. That and there was a local outbreak in a coal mine that led to almost 300 new cases.

When temperature checks become a widespread thing, it’ll take less than a week (lol probably < 8 hours) for a viral video of some outraged Trumper screaming about not being let inside because their temperature is 100.1F.

LMAO great fucking point.

My friend who drove from the LA area to fucking Texas to be able to go to the gym (with stops in AZ for the gym and NM for a hike) said he’s taking precautions like wiping everything down and using sanitizer. He’s a personal trainer, and has had clients who he had to work with at 4am because of their schedule - I told him that if he MUST work out, he should try to do it at a weird time like that when nobody’s there.

He said nah they’re doing a pretty good job cleaning everything so it’s all good! Oh, he also hit up a bar in Austin the other day. He doesn’t even drink due to his training/diet, so he went to a bar during a pandemic to have water.

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Doesn’t begin to spin the bill I’m running up for me since Jan. 600K no end in sight, and I’m very lucky that I’m covered - out of pocket 10K. Which I suppose that means we could pick up another couple of cats, or something.



Or a self-isolating escort


I had a buddy that hiked the Appalachian Trail. I thought it was pretty awesome until he started to talk to me about “trail names” and all that jazz. I guess all that time alone really does stuff to people.

Neither. They just wanted to talk to someone who could explain neural inflammation.

Nobody knows yet precisely what the neurological effects of COVID are. SARS-CoV-2 is far from being the only respiratory virus that can also have neurological effects. OC43, one of the endemic human coronaviruses which usually causes the common cold, can cause encephalitis. SARS and MERS both caused neurological symptoms. So can influenza. In all these cases, neurological symptoms increase with general infection severity.

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