I would prioritize and start with number 7.

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I think theyā€™re going straight to a 24 team playoff.

yup 24 team playoff and it wonā€™t start till August (tho I doubt training camp will be 3 weeks long)

Of those, Pittsburgh is surprisingly not doing that bad, even if it has as many cases in one city as whole provinces. Not enough lols in the world that Chicago and LA are even on the list. Vancouver is looking the best of those, but they probably should go with Winnipeg.

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I wanted to post something in Facebook similar to this but Iā€™m not sure I want to deal with the people who think Iā€™m making light of it

This is weird, if a 24 team playoff doesnā€™t start til August, then the playoffs will likely still be running until October, when the season normally opens. Are they writing off the 2020/2021 season?

I presume they are talking about a delayed start to next season.

I have no idea what they will do for the 2020/21 season. I doubt the players will be down for being quarantined forever tho.

Someone will test positive and everything will be stopped.


If anything, it seems like they should have knocked it down to 12 or 8 teams to start and get it over with as quickly as possible. MLB is going to make the same mistake. I think MLB should consider a 30 team series-style tournament, maybe with one of the losing teams moving to the second round. Get it done before a second wave crushes it for good.

I used to racquetball twice a week. I donā€™t expect to get back into a racquetball court before a vaccine comes or this burns itself out.


I concur w sports trying to cram everything in under a month with as few teams as possible. NBA is the best bet if they can only bring back the playoff teams and get series done in a max 10 days.

But then lol nba players giving up their groupies for two months.

Definitely no way in hell Iā€™d workout indoors with all that air recirculating. Iā€™d like to see some makeshift outdoor gyms set up. Iā€™m pretty okay with anything that is outdoors and can be socially distanced.

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Why donā€™t the sports leagues go to New Zealand or some other island and quarantine for 2 weeks ?

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Look how menacing this bird watch guy is.

I am not happy that racist and racee share a surname. It creates confusion for the less endowed.

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Nate is really pissing me off by insisting on posting every days results and then noting why they might not be good to look at.

My suggestion is to stick w 7 day rolling averages.

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I canā€™t stop laughing over them taking the dog back after three fucking years.

cat and dog and tiger people are legit insane.



Also bird people.


Iā€™ve run into birders a lot in my travels - definitely an odd, obsessed bunch. The point of no return seems to be when you acquire your ā€œbirder nameā€ - similar to male road bikers when they start shaving their legs.

One womanā€™s actual name was Raven, so she kept that as her birder name, which endlessly confused the other birders.


Iā€™ll be honest, when I heard to word Birders I though, Hmm Groups of twitter followers teaming up in parks, this is getting interesting.