My Texas buddy is planning on going to the gym tomorrow. The only requirement for the gym is that you have to wear gloves… yup, no mask just gloves. He said he’s definitely going because he feels pudgy. I left the Xbox party and went outside to have a beer. It sucks when your relatively smart friends are ignorant as shit.

I’d label the Covid time frame 3 months but this is good perspective on just how bad this is.

I remember when I was dumb enough to think passing the 9/11 death total would be enough to get MAGA shitheads to gain some perspective.


I mean more people alive = more dead, right?

Besides the fact that 2/3 of the list is from the 2000s sure. Obviously I know you are being sarcastic but I am sure that is the response from the MAGA crowd.

Haha no, that’s not how it works. You get given a trail name by people that hike with you. My trail name is Big Man. I hiked with a guy named Keystone because he’s from PA. You usually get your name the first few days of hiking. It’s very common.


Good to know, haha. The way he explained it was much differently. Maybe it was just me assuming hiking from GA to ME over a couple months pretty much alone was messing with him. But your explanation makes more sense.

Hiking the AT is weird. Almost everyone hikes alone but stay together in same campground daily. You also pick rides up together into town and shit.

That reminds me. There was this girl that got the trail name Booger because someone saw her picking her nose LOL. She hated the name but there wasn’t much she could do.


So instead of getting a Kleenex, she’s snot boogie forever. Doesn’t seem fair.


Picking your nose and eating it seems like the ultimate through-hiking efficiency. Maybe she is just more evolved than the rest.

Tough day. A guy I work with, who I’ve legitimately looked up to, who is a fantastic parent and husband and colleague, is a “never going to Costco again” guy. This guy is a legitimately good person, full of empathy and perspective. How does this happen.


The internet is hell of a drug.


I’m available for adoption to a good home.


Same for Trump and Biden.

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Where is that flu that killed 100k in like 87? You show this to a derper and they will definitely point that out as that has been making the rounds for weeks.

I mean. You fuck one goat…


Damn I immediately thought of snot boogie. You nailed it in the first reply on a forum full of people who love wire references and you got no likes? I’m disappointed in this forum. Life just be that way I guess.


Yeah, it’s looking like it’s basically going to be a few months where things don’t seem to be so bad even though they are gradually and steadily getting worse before the whammo. I think we could conceivably even make it to fall before shit starts getting real. People will call it a “second wave” but it won’t really be because we never really got done with the first one. We won’t shutdown in the fall either. It’ll just be a shitload of death and people hiding in their homes.


Sean Hannity with the spicy hot take on masks…


Hannity lose someone? Rare display of humanity


He knows something! Something Trump got in an intelligence briefing & he passed it on to Hannity! I bet this virus is going 2 explode or mutate or who the hell knows! He knows something really bad. Just my thoughts…I’ve become totally paranoid b/c I’ve NEVER seen so many liars!