Well, the Czech Republic is not immune to conspiracy theories. A few dozen people were demonstrating in Prague against the introduction of 5G networks in the country along with a few other things (the EU, lockdown restrictions). Can’t find an English-language article about it yet.

So yeah, we got ours.

Have not read this but makes great sense.


Yeah it sucks. 90% of my workout is heavy barbell stuff and I can really only do that in a gym (I technically have room for a home setup but this is no time to shell out the $$, plus I have motivation issues unless I have to leave the house and have an actual destination to work out). I can see my gym trying to do scheduled slots split up by sections of the gym, but that’s guaranteed to be a clusterfuck for various reasons:

–I can see time windows being an hour, which isn’t long enough for my workout
–Everyone on earth is gonna want the same time slots from like 6-8AM and 6-8PM, even the WFH people are largely 9-5. I can easily picture myself getting thrown into a lottery and getting told “congrats, your time slot is noon-1PM, hope you can make it”.

Time for some good old fashioned ingenuity. Pole and some tire rims?

Totally get the peer and social part. Miss tennis pretty bad.


Maybe I’ve just always been old, but I don’t get why going to a loud, crowded club or a loud, crowded pool is fun. I mean, sure, when I was a kid, I liked going to a pool, but that was just a local pool. The idea of some Ozarks/Florida/Vegas/whatever drunken, crowded pool bar party just doesn’t float my boat.

I went to clubs with friends a few times in my early 20’s (and frat parties in college) and hated every minute of it. There were some swim-up bars at the resort on my honeymoon, which were fine, but that was a much more relaxed environment.

And now, doing all that with a deadly virus? Insanity and desperation.


i would not go to a gym at all during this shit. especially when it’s so easy to exercise outside or even just fuckin do pushups at home


I think it was an Unstucker who said Puritans came to America not so they’d have freedom FROM persecution but freedom TO persecute whoever they wanted


they have birds in central park?

I’m planning on staying away from the gym but I’m a dumbass and prepaid for a membership through Costco so I just get to watch it expire while I can’t use it because there are no refunds.


But what if…you were tested and showed antibodies?

Assuming rate of immunity vs susceptibility doesn’t change for a minimum of a seasonal or annual cycle.


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Loud crowded club / pool value prop: for women, dance with friends; for guys, Hail Mary chance at getting laid.

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lol the dog rescue took her dog back. that is insane/hilarious.

first world problems.

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Possibly barbell work is one of the better (least bad?) options. If you can get in without touching too much, grab a rack, wipe down the bar, rack, plates with disinfectant wipes, then you have a relatively contained space to work in that is quasi clean. When you’re done wipe down everything, wash hands, and straight out the front of the gym without touching anything if possible.

Not ideal but possible. What I’m not sure of is how much having a bunch of people breathing heavy in one room matters. Like if the air is dense with Covid there’s basically nothing you can do.


hear anything about this?

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Virginia was the most populous colony from 1610 onward and was only passed by New York in 1810. I think the USA founded by Pilgrims is partly one of those foundation myths that everyone has. And even the Puritans mostly came here to try to get rich.


Virginia with back-to-back 1,500-case days.

Yeah. I told the group that I climb with that I’m going to give it a couple weeks to see how their precautions work out. I probably won’t wait till a vaccine comes out, but if it looks like places like this can greatly reduce the spread/risk by implementing and adhering to precautionary measures, I’ll probably come back at some point soon. However, the calculus is much different for me, I have no children or a significant other to care for, and I don’t regularly interact with anyone that I might put at serious risk through asymptomatic infection.

wouldn’t it be cool if we had a government capable of or even interested in testing and verifying that type of thing lol