I’ve just be going for groceries once a week between 8.30am and 9. The supermarket I go to isn’t near any houses, so very quiet and I don’t wear a mask. This morning I noticed a lot more mask wearers and some with gloves as well.

If I went to my nearest supermarket, which is in a high population density area, I would 100% wear a mask of some kind, although probably made from a decorating dust mask and cloth behind it.

I know first world problems and all, but do people think we would be able to go to gyms with masks on? Or is there too much risk from sweat flying through the air?

If too much risk, I don’t see how a gym could ever reopen until there is a vaccine.

Gyms reopened in the CR. There’s a maximum occupancy based on the size of the gym and the number of machines has been reduced to allow for social distancing.

That might have changed since a month ago but that’s the way it was in the beginning.

I don’t know what kind of ridiculous reality we would face long term if local officials were not given the right to shut down businesses causing a public health hazard.

Many of the replies there make me feel hopeless.

Tragic element for me about all these mask/isolation protest snowflakes is it will take a bloodbath (something closer to the initial early March estimates) for them to feel anything but totally validated in their decisions and completely resentful towards scientific thought or education in the future. GG USA I feel so sorry for the Americans on this forum.

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So jealous that everyone there is getting exciting about a single case. NYT put 1% of our dead cases on the front page and it seems to be a collective yawn.

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“I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but let’s be clear: to get a vaccine by 2021 would be like drawing multiple inside straights in a row, to use a poker analogy,” Dr. Bach says.


He is concerned that people are not taking other public health measures to stop the spread because of the “optimism and enthusiasm” about a vaccine.


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The lawsuit filed Friday reportedly alleges that the owners have “suffered devastating and possibly insurmountable financial hardship” in the weeks since as a result of the move. The suit also claims that they are also “unable to meet their financial obligations to creditors and are significantly in debt.”

Imagine if these people channeled all their energy and anger into fighting their creditors that are just trying to fuck them over, rather than the government that is trying to keep people safe.

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24 Hour Fitness’ reopening plan is like superuberbob said about the CR, they’re going to shut down machines to enforce social distancing and are making you book times so they can scrub machines down between appointments but I don’t see anything about masks on their website, which is troubling.

I think if an area gets their case load low enough and has a contact tracing operation in place (even if it’s just people working the phones and not a sophisticated high tech big brother operation), going to the gym with a mask could be an activity with acceptable levels of risk. Gym’s gotta log names, phone numbers, and dates of attendance for the people who use it.

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I think there will be a lot of resistance to mask use in gyms. I can’t imagine trying to do my workouts with a voluntary impairment on my ability to breathe.

I’m not saying its right but I think gyms will have a hard time monitoring and enforcing.

Indoors with people exercising is the worst. It would be better having all those gym people go on cruises, or back to school, or shopping without a mask, or partying at the beach, or…etc. It’s literally the last thing that should reopen. Sex clubs are probably just as safe.


The indoor rock climbing gym, with which I’m a member, is reopening. Their stated plan seems really proactive and like a genuine attempt to make sure everyone is safe, but I just don’t see it being a good idea. They are limiting the number of people, taking temps of everyone at the door (anyone with 100.1F or higher will not be permitted), requiring masks, requiring sanitization every time you enter the building, and are recommending sanitization after every climb.

Al these businesses will get lazy with their plans within a week of opening.


I wouldn’t go anywhere near a climbing gym until I’m vaccinated.

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