I can’t imagine the person who has been fine for the last three plus years but then decides enough is enough with some future action. All the straws were destroyed a very long time ago.

And destroying hundreds of millions of dollars worth of food because it is too hard to change packaging and shipping.

Bit of a worrying happening in Cairns in north Queensland today, where a woman came down with symptomatic COVID 10 weeks after leaving the Ruby Princess, a cruise ship that was the source of a whole bunch of Australia’s cases. All the passengers were already tested once, she tested negative. It’s not inconceivable that she acquired it locally but it’s extremely unlikely since she is the only known case in the Cairns area right now.

A similar thing already happened once before in Queensland, a woman returned from India and then fell sick two months later. Again, she could have acquired it locally but it would be a hell of a coincidence. The odds against both being local acquisitions are astronomical.

Btw I managed to handle my social puzzle pretty well. I told #1 and #3 that someone else had covid and might want to connect - but it’s not who you’re thinking (clever imo). So they both connected and I think both were happy to have someone else to talk to.

But then right after that #2 said she didn’t care if anyone knows. So now everyone knows almost everything - except #2 still doesn’t know about #1 and #3. Almost there.

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Czech news site has an article covering some of this


Netherlands - Get a fuckbuddy
Denmark - Have sex but no kissing
America - Masturbate a lot
UK - Great time to live with your partner to test your relationship


Disagree with #3. As an example, Norway and Denmark got this under control. Zero new cases in my city of 200k in the last five days. 1 patient at the hospital. Opening up very gradually, will close down again in a controlled manner if numbers rise.

You just need a functioning government and a public with a fairly high degree of trust in said government. And oh, prob not more than 5 million inhabitants.


First case in South Australia in weeks

South Australia has seen its first confirmed coronavirus case in almost three weeks.

Officials said an overseas traveller had come to Victoria where she was quarantined for less than a week before then traveling on to South Australia. The quarantine was shortened because she was given an exemption “for compelling family reasons”.

She tested positive on arrival at Adelaide Airport.

The woman in her 50s is now isolated and authorities are trying to trace whoever she was in contact with while travelling.

Eh he isn’t rich but my uncle who is a senior VP of a medium sized company likely making like 250k/yr and worth a couple million was its just a flu broing me when I talked to him about how scared I was for my mom, his sister, back in march I believe.

We haven’t talked about it much since, but he’s posted some jokes like summers cancelled with an eyeroll. He is actually kind of smart when discussing subjects that aren’t related to politics.

Don’t be surprised if a lot of these upper middle class republicans are high on their own supply as well.

I posted this here because she is wearing a mask ldo.


Really surprised someone like that would voluntarily give up the dog they’ve had for a few years. I mean obviously she didn’t care for it at all, but I expect people like that to not give up shit just because they’re such stubborn racist idiots. Wonder if she gave him up because even deplorables were shitting on her for her treatment of the dog.

I would have freaked out when she started choking the dog like that. This guy has to worry about getting shot though.

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Young to middle aged people like us sometimes forget that for a lot of single people, especially the old, going to the shops is the only form of social interaction they get.


Unless you’re trying to quickly grab a coffee on the way to work.

This woman deserves to be dragged for the racism, as well as the privilege for flaunting the rules in the first place, but the guys behaviour is not great. Intentionally bringing dog treats on your walk to coax other people’s off leash dogs is a little obnoxious, also it seems like a strategy designed to escalate confrontations like this.

lol “an” - declining standards of the BBC I’m afraid

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Oh I didn’t realize he had done that. Yeah that’s definitely on purpose. Meh expose all the racist pieces of shit, I’m fine with that. Kind of brilliant. As long as he isn’t doing anything shitty to the nice people who react like norm human beings.

But yeah if he’d harassing everyone with a dog off their leash hes kind of shitty. But maybe he got bit by a dog off its leash. Or his dog was attacked one time.

Wait, what?

Before the recording the interaction was: black man correctly tells white lady dog needs to be on leash, white lady dog owner BUT MY BABY NEEDS EXERCISE stuff, black man tries to call the dog over using treats he carries for this purpose apparently, white lady freaks out exactly as you would expect, median level American Racism blows the whole thing way up.

Guy seems like an enormous douche, woman is terrible obviously, shameful, completely standard USA#1 behavior by all.

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Agreed, but I think she is almost entirely to blame because she thinks on leash rules don’t apply and her obvious racism is the root cause of the explosion in the intensity of the situation.