My parents and I both quarantined for two weeks, then saw each other the other day, we’re maintaining the quarantine and seeing each other next week, then my Dad plans to return to normal (to my great protests).

In your situation, the x factor you didn’t mention is travel. Does your mom have to get on a plane or anything? If she’s local and won’t contact anyone while traveling, it sounds reasonable to do a 2-3 week quarantine and then visit. As a nurse, any chance she can get a test?

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As I’m thinking about this, I’m realizing the underlying reasons for the extreme levels of cognitive dissonance these people in particular are employing. They’ve scored one of the most heinous own goals in human history.

Like, imagine being an uneducated poker dealer in Pennsylvania. You’re pulling down high five figures, maybe breaking into six figures if you’re good and work hard and don’t EO too much… despite having no education beyond high school and a job you can train for pretty quickly.

You have a swing state vote and vote for a buffoon who mismanages a pandemic which costs you your career and you end up like flipping burgers for $7.50 an hour blaming it on China and immigrants.

You CAN’T blame Trump, that’d be admitting you fucked your own life up! That you went from making very good money to poverty because you voted for a moron. The human mind will tolerate a lot of cognitive dissonance in that scenario.

I would imagine that various versions of this account for some of the backflips people will do to support him through this.


After opening up we apparantly have the first two clusters of new infections. In Lower Saxony 7 visitors of a restaurant got infected and about 50 have to stay at home in quarantine. And in Frankfurt the participants of a church service got infected but there its hard to track the people down because they didnt need to have lists of all visitors and now authorities are scrambling to track everyone down.


No these are the backflips you fools do in your minds when the Dems are in power and you see all that money taken out of your paychecks.


The Ayn Rand approach you say.

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” - Ayn Rand


Now this feels like a change of pace!

Tell them to go before leaving and bring empty bottles (those gallon Arizona iced tea jugs are great) just in case. Don’t tell them about the bottles because it’ll make them less inclined to hold it in. Bottles are for emergencies.

I’m certainly not going to defend any CT Trumpers as I know way too many of them and to a person they are just as bad as any other Trumper. CT was the last state to reopen and Phase 1 here on May 20th originally included opening salons/barbers. On May 18th Lamont decided to delay the opening of them until June 1st because he talked to a couple salon owners/workers that didn’t want to open yet (even though Phase 2 here doesn’t start until June 20th). So I’m definitely sympathetic to the workers that thought they were getting back, booked clients, made childcare arrangements, and then fewer than 48 hours before opening told you had to wait another two weeks.

I cut my own hair for the first time yesterday. Bought a pair of electric clippers on ebay (because of course they’re all sold out everywhere else). I don’t know why all men don’t do this, it was so easy. So much less of a hassle then having to make an appointment and waste time and money paying someone to cut your hair. I don’t think I’ll ever go back.


We don’t mind money getting taken out of our paychecks for the greater social good. Also, we had paychecks because Obama wasn’t a fucking moron. Right now something like 25 percent of the people who were employed three months ago don’t have a paycheck becuase Trump is. So, yeah, you’re take is pretty spicy hot here.


Was this inside, or from people sat on a terrace?

It depends on the style. The longer your hair the more value you get from a barber.

Inside. It was a private event with around 40 people. Seven are infected including a doctor and the restaurant’s proprietor who spent most of the time in the kitchen and only sat down with guests for a short talk according to his own account:

(Source is in German)


Because that’s what their masters tell them to do. And basically it’s about money for the most part.

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The “covid is fake” people aren’t evil. They are victims of a cult. They are literally brainwashed. Their views are not illogical. They are the “logical” extension of decades of being told government is evil, science is fake, the media lies and personal freedom above all.

I actually feel bad for them as so many will die as a result. It’s really no different from all the people who drank the cool aid at Jonestown.


Poker dealers make $50/hour?

Churches and the like also set to open here in France from today. Here it was the courts, they ruled that now some places are allowed to open it wasn’t legal to not open places of worship. Everyone has to be masked, stay apart and so on.

The council for Muslims in France has said that prayers for Eid won’t happen in mosques tomorrow, and not everyone will be back, but there’s a significant hardcore Catholic block here and they will be there tomorrow I’d guess. There’s a church in Paris that got taken over by anti Vatican II renegades years ago and it got busted for having a mass during the height of lockdown. I say ‘busted’, they fined the priest (~100 euros) and let everyone else off.

Not really looking to get in an argument, but that’s exactly why it’s a failure of the government, imo.

His comment was obviously a joke (and a pretty good one), I don’t think there’s anyone on that level actively posting in this thread or even that many on the forum who would seriously make a post like that.

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