Only a matter of time before there are coronavirus bugchasers and gift givers.

Ya I addressed that. The undercounting was worse in March than now. We literally set the all time record for new cases ever for USA minus NY/NJ today and essentially tied for the most new cases in a day since May 1st for the USA as a whole with May 7th and 8th. The availability of testing hasn’t changed much this month even if the overall amount of testing has continued to rise (some of that is states including antibody testing in stats).

Also NY stats show just doing more testing doesn’t automatically mean your numbers go up. They have dramatically ramped up testing and their numbers have had an inverse relationship. Texas on the other had their 2nd worst day ever today after their worst day ever last Friday. They are near the bottom in per capita testing even as a state that has included antibody testing in their numbers.

Also if we are somehow capturing a much greater percentage of the infected now vs. a month ago the CFR would have changed dramatically, it hasn’t. We are still chugging along at a daily CFR of around 5% vs. 7% or so in early April. That tells me there is an impact of more testing but not an incredibly dramatic one.

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Do you know what % of those are antibody tests?

Also, I think NY got more tests faster than everyone (because it was the epicenter early on), so they’re probably testing lots of asymptomatic folks that are coming up negative b/c why not use em if you have em.

You cant force asymptomatic people to get tested and I haven’t seen much evidence or anecdotal stories showing asymptomatic people getting tested. Cuomo has been begging people to get tested in his pressers lately as they have extra capacity. No clue if people are taking him up on it.

I don’t know what % are antibody tests as far as I know those numbers aren’t available.

The only casino I’ve ever been to that didn’t instantly depress me is the Wynn. The midwest casinos are absolute horror shows.


What’s more is that when growth becomes exponential in 6 weeks or so it may not be the case once again

I checked and only 26% of people on UI are over 45. Yeah some Trump supporters on UI but it’s a very small amount. Though maybe electorally significant.

But lol, they would just blame their failures on mexicans/black people or democrats somehow. Maybe even workers on a visa. Zero chance they ever admit that even to themselves.

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Button straddle is the worst straddle. Kills all preflop action. UTG straddle best, rock 2nd, no straddle 3rd, button 4th, and the Dallas straddle (ultimate last action button straddle) somehow even worse.


New York processed over 49,000 tests yesterday with only 2,088 positives. They are forcing some people to get tests. All nursing home employees have to get tested twice a week.


They got theirs, fuck everyone else. That’s America.

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Button straddle is great until people figure out how to play it!



I more meant they aren’t getting random asymptomatics to take tests.

One of the chiefsplanet mods has a qood hypothetical he keeps putting to the anti-mask-tards that seems to slow them down:

“Lets say there are 20 people in a room. You know two of them are positive but you don’t know who. You get to vote - either everyone has to wear a mask, or no one has to wear a mask. What’s your vote?”


Can’t fix stupid.


I can promise you, in medium - high stakes PLO around here, button straddle destroys all pre flop action. Everyone limps to button and folds hands they would usually play. In live PLO, you make most of your $ getting fat value from bad players playing poorly structured hands / drawing to non nut hands.


This extends way beyond just Trump supporters. A lot of even pro-vaccine people from the lib side on my FB are saying they won’t take it because they’re young and the risk is greater to get a fucked up rushed vaccine

The anti vax ppl from both sides are annoying but if it’s a rushed vaccine that comes out and is being touted by our current government I would be very weary of taking it too

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I think when push comes to shove and a vaccine is widely available in a year (hopefully) people are going to change their mind after 500k+ Americans and millions worldwide are dead. Obviously that is assuming it has been through a somewhat normal vetting process. No way I am taking a Trump branded miracle vaccine in October either.

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It sounds like you’re talking about health sharing ministries. There are a lot of horror stories circulating about those. Premiums is lower, but coverage leaves a lot to be desired. Even setting aside the fact that many of them have tons of religiously influenced exclusions in the fine print.

Also, fighting with them to pay for stuff is not much different than fighting with an insurance company.