Umm… uh err…



First time I ever swam in the ocean. And first time really seeing it other than a foggy day on Coney Island at like 4 years old. I’ll always have a soft spot for Galveston.

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I hate those fucking clapping emojis.

With the state of emergency over, people are basically acting like everything’s back to normal. There was about a 50-50 split in mask-wearing outdoors despite the fact that they’re mandatory outdoors until May 25th.


Yes, but this is America. We’re exceptional, we got this!

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Take solace in the fact that the BBQ sauce running through his veins will clog his heart and cause him to die soon.


'you’re welcome for saving your life"

I’m surprised they didn’t arrest the two black guys while they were at it. Fucking pigs.

Update on that gym with the police telling folks to have a nice day: the state is apparently citing the owners daily for being open, they arrested a guy today - appears they may be giving citations to some of the people working out, but it appears they aren’t actually arresting the owners and forcing it to be closed.


Whole thing’s a mess. Reporter’s mask falling down below her nose at the end is just chef’s kiss.

The owner makes a good point: we shut down two months and they don’t have a plan, so what’s the point of staying shut down? I mean, that’s where we’re at at this point. If we’re just going to let just as many people die anyway, we might as well be open. I’m guessing he’d want to be open regardless of whether there was a good plan to save lives, but that’s sort of irrelevant right now.

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Of course they are. They did the same thing with the restaurant. No reason to arrest the owners and create a dangerous scene. Just cite them and yank their license.

But of course the DERP has been spread that the cops are on OUR SIDE!

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How do you argue with people that think MASKS CAUSE CO2 POISONING!!!

Like on a fundamental level, how do you counter it? It’s so insanely stupid it is basically impossible. It’s ALL OVER social media right now.

I can’t. I literally can’t. My blood pressures gonna stroke me out long before this virus kills me.

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I hiked with a just a surgical mask on Friday and it really sucked going uphill. I suck a lot of air, as anyone who’s every scuba-dived with me can attest. The whole hike was on a big wide fire road, so I started only putting it over my mouth when people were coming the other way.

I still find it a big comical the idea of covering your mouth when someone is briefly passing you from over 6’ away on the other side of the fire road in blazing sunshine. If it was that contagious we’d all have gotten it in the first week. It’s more of a courtesy I guess. We hiked early, by the end coming down a bunch of college and HS age kids were coming up with no masks at all.

Wait, the filters aren’t good enough to trap individual CO2 molecules?

I don’t disagree either.

It is crazy though the president released his plan and then went above and beyond to tell EVERYONE to ignore it or else.

We can grouse about what individual states are doing, but the federal government has become an attached three hundred pound anvil in a swim race.

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Pretty sure they are claiming that all the exhaled co2 is stuck in the mask and being inhaled again. It is stupid.

SO :wave: DO :wave: I :wave:

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I agree and have not been wearing a mask when out walking/hiking and instead just staying at least 10+ feet away from everyone. Maybe that makes me a monster, not sure.


I don’t wear a mask when walking my dog and have been keeping my distance, anytime I have to go inside a store I wear a mask.