I like these visualizations better. Seems like some states reporting is pretty far behind.

FU Texas


Turn up the AC in that room.

This is generally good info for the lawbro people. The police are where the rubber meets the road and cops are not necessarily neutral and dispassionate. Abolish the police.


Can I just my one time?

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I occasionally listen to AM radio in my car just to try and get a brief glimpse into the insanity. This morning Glenn Beck was having an entire segment about how this was basically the ā€œMiracle on Iceā€(what a dumb as fuck analogy) of 2020 with all these proud patriots standing up to the corrupt Dem government and the police siding with the protesters. Itā€™s complete insanity but it always is I guess.

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ā€œMore than 40,000 National Guard members currently helping states test residents for the coronavirus and trace the spread of infections will face a ā€œhard stopā€ on their deployments on June 24 ā€” just one day shy of many members becoming eligible for key federal benefits, according to a senior FEMA official.ā€

Nice double whammy - screw the states who were using the guards for testing/tracing and other activities and screw the guards out of benefits. They picked a random Wednesday as the effective date, so thereā€™s basically no explanation other than wanting to stay under the 90 day threshold.


Patriotism is when our goalie has a .970 save percentage and the russkies goalie has an .850 save percentage!


Agree. If I suspect Iā€™ve got it, Iā€™ll pass on the hospital and possible ventilator. Iā€™ve spent too many months watching my friend struggle in icu (on vent but not with covid) just to have his doctor announce on zoom that he wonā€™t live a year in any case. Fuck that. Maybe Iā€™ll get tested so they have to count it but body in an apartment doesnā€™t seem that bad atm. Maybe I change my mind if I canā€™t breathe but could be too late. Iā€™m sure it goes that way sometimes.


You get what you pay for. The 50 and 100 look sleek. The other three look uneven and like they will fly in a circle.


Galveston might be my least favorite beach in America.

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The typical low end career probably nets a million or slightly More after taxes and agent fees etc. Since it is unlikely they think they will only be there for three years they are not living on 25k a year.

I am guessing 90% of the grindstone players are broke when their nfl career ends.

I do love gravy. Made a huge thing of country gravy last night.

One thing I just thought about that Galveston video is with all those people getting into the water doesnā€™t the water line for the rest of the ocean shores go up? That is a lot of displacement.

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Tell them a guy on the internet hopes they get Covid.

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I donā€™t speak to them so am instead processing my feelings every time I think ā€œso theyā€™re asking for it?ā€


Got a Facebook friend who beat cancer a year or two ago. He posted a pic of a box of surgical masks he got, emphasizing that they donā€™t protect the wearer from COVID. His point of posting it was to say the mask is just the equivalent of Linus and his blanket, that it doesnā€™t protect you from anything. When I told him itā€™s mainly to protect people from the wearer, he said ā€œit causes more harm to you breathing in carbon dioxide and not getting enough Oxygen and does zero to protect you from anything airbornā€


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Imagine these being your heroes. People willing to kill others to lift weights in a gym.

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