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I was being a smartass. I wonder what they imagine the filters are made of that are fine enough to trap CO2 molecules.

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Yeah the Tampa Bay times story is a lot more detailed. And I do think this story is a big deal, at least in Florida. The details are puzzling though:

The Tampa Bay Times automatically checks for changes in the data and archives new updates. Shortly before 10:12 a.m on May 4., data still included the EventDate field, showing records with listed dates that people reported symptoms as early as January 1. By 3:02 p.m., the column was gone.

For much of the next day, May 5, the column was either missing or empty, with every row listing “None.” Finally, it returned shortly before 8:02 p.m.

So does this mean everything went back to normal after a day?

According to internal emails reviewed by the Times , Department of Health I.T. Director Craig Curry emailed Rebekah Jones just before 5 p.m. on May 5. He cited Dr. Carina Blackmore, Director for the Division of Disease Control and Health Protection.

“Per Dr. Blackmore, disable the ability to export the data to files from the dashboard immediately. We need to ensure that dates (date fields) in all objects match their counterpart on the PDF line list published,” Curry wrote.

The tables in the PDF documents did not include the column of data showing when symptoms were first reported, only the “Case Date” — the date the state recorded and confirmed the case.

“This is the wrong call,” Jones replied minutes later.

A few minutes later, she emailed Curry again. “Case line data is down.”

Then, just after 6 p.m., the I.T. director emailed both Jones and Dr. Blackmore. “Re-enable for now please.”

Jones replied, “10-4.”

So that’s what she was canned for? Saying “This is the wrong call”? And it sounds like all the data is still up? Very confusing.

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Removed May 5th(coincidentally right after reopening) and replaced with sycophants. What could go wrong.

That’s great news! Hey guys just wanted to give [my cousin] a shout out here. I heard that she was back to doing massages so if anyone is sore or needing some healing give her a call!

I guess my family is done with social distancing. Full steam ahead!

My wife went to (illegally) visit her parents over the weekend to return a gift she bought them, and the entire time she was there he dad just kept bitching about how we needed to open up “for the economy”. He’s been golfing with a group of friends (no masks, ldo), going to any store that’s open nearby (he went to Staples to get some kind of cleaner and went to Dick’s Sporting Goods just to wander around aimlessly) and keeps insisting he feels safe so we should open things up. He was shocked when she told him we haven’t gotten takeout during the entire shelter in place and doesn’t understand why we’re not itching to jump back into a restaurant as soon as they open. His nonchalance is causing my wife a tooooooon of anxiety because we’re over here taking shit seriously doing everything we can to stay uninfected specifically because her parents are in their late 60s and it’s seemingly all for nothing.



Turns out that law and order hero gym owner is a convicted felon who was sentenced to 5 years in prison for killing a teenager after he ran a stop sign while driving drunk:


Hmmmm. Seems like the reporter has some follow up to do. I wonder if they were singing? Were they wearing masks?

Fwiw the data is definitely there now as I just downloaded it.

Small sample so far but we have a data point for investigating the crossover between not wearing masks and thinking DUIs are ok.


Who could have seen that coming :man_shrugging:

I honestly don’t get it at all. I can go to my local paper’s site and there’s a big bar chart of new cases that has not gone done at all, 2 weeks at a peak. Why the fuck are we reopening anything?


Subtract out the hard hit states and the rest of the US is flat at or near the peak or even rising in some states. WTF.


Because we think we have enough ventilators to muddle through the summer, and thanks the the Republican death cult we have a huge list of volunteer guinea pigs.


Canada stay out - Donnie doesn’t want the numbers

Border closures to remain in North America

US Homeland Security chief Chad Wolf says the Trump administration is “likely” to extend non-essential travel restrictions at US land borders with Canada and Mexico.

Border restrictions imposed on 21 March to help combat the pandemic were due to expire on Wednesday.

Speaking at a US Chamber of Commerce event Wolf said: "We really have to see what is the health care situation like in Mexico and Canada, how are their cases, have they hit their curve?"

"What we don’t want to do is try to open up parts of our economy and have a lot of folks coming across the border that we haven’t seen in the past 50 or 60 days."

Earlier on Tuesday, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described an agreement to extend the closure of the US border by a further 30 days as “an important decision that will keep people in both countries safe”.

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Same, and I only do outdoor recreation in uncrowded places off the beaten path. I stay 10+ feet away, and if I’m forced to walk past someone on my trail (happened only twice I think) I just hold my breath for 30+ seconds while I pass. I’ve gone trout fishing several times this spring, it’s better than the grocery store and a good way to social distance is to be wading the middle of a river. I keep my mask on me just incase.