Isn’t that the new vaccine czar. Everything is graft.

“Florida Man”

Of course.


He is now going to divest his interest in the company after their announcement today made the stock shoot up 40%. But I’m sure that’s all coincidental and there is nothing to see here.

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Another Florida Man story.

There needs to be cartoon superhero named Florida Man. Maybe he could have his own TV show.

I could see Adult Swim animating Florida man stories in a trippy kind of way for 20 year olds high at 3 am to enjoy

I think you’re right that the trials are on confirmed cases. However, I have seen, on some of my ill-advised journeys into twitter mentions, references to some sort of prophylactic schedule where people are supposed to take regular doses of hydroxy, zinc, and some vitamin (C or D), so I would not be at all surprised if that regimen has filtered up to Trump

It’s crazy that the entire source for this story is some guy’s unprotected Facebook wall.

Bullshit. He’s lying. He’s lying to quadruple down on his lie that hydroxychloroquine is a game changer.


It’s made it all the way to Airdrie, where’s that you may ask, well its in the west of Scotland next to a town called motherwell.

Further evidence in the “Republicans have no idea how to be funny” column


This one is pretty sad. This guy’s stupidity and buying into the derposphere seems likely that it’s going to have caused the death of his wife.

There is city next to mine called Airdrie here in Alberta and I never knew there was one in Scotland And I’ve been there a couple times. You learn something new everyday.


A typical Airdrie poem…

It was a mining and steelworks town for years connected to the Airdrie hills and the Ravenscraig steel works which were some of the biggest in Europe at the time, when that work went the town went downhill for some years before rebounding back.

I have a few friends who have stayed there for years and love it, but it has a darkside. :joy:

My city is named for Calgaryon on the Isle of Mull. Scotts took over this area. :)

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:point_up_2: My pet peve lol.

I have family in Canada too, My dad’s side and they own a chemical company making dyes and colours but may have expanded.

They started it in the late 70’s and we were supposed to go over a few times but my dad’s health has stopped us, maybe 1 day though. I never been to Canada but sure I’d like it. :+1:

I’m almost sure it’s Calgary

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Dammit my grandparents would be ashamed. They were both born on Skye.



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I laughed because it’s a very common mistake in Canada :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Scott’s was a brand name

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This is going to be the new Trump voter Iowa safari? Covidiot nominated for Darwin Award?

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