An industry providing thousands of well paying (by local standards) jobs for educated filipinos as a path for them and their dependents to get out of poverty…

Not saying that exploitation doesn’t exist, or that they shouldn’t pay more, or that we don’t live in a shitty exploitative world where boomers holidays are built on the back of developing world labour…

But… The attitude amoung overseas Filipino workers (of which there are about 10 million, or 10% of the population) to these jobs is very different to ours.

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Pretty great news as a live poker pro. I’m pretty sure I’ve caught all the colds going around the last few years lol… I’ve certainly been exposed to more than the average person.

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We need to start drug testing Congress. Wow. That might be the most painful series of attempts at humor I’ve ever seen in my life.

Holy shit. That was orders of magnitude worse than I thought was even possible.

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I was expecting some Nazi stuff not just some really terrible humour.

I don’t even get the “Thanks China” joke.

There is no distinction, you are all parents and teachers, thanks China.

He is saying parents have to teach their kids at home cause China made covid in its lab.

Oh, even before Covid I considered parents teachers so I guess it didn’t register.

It is not you it’s galactically bad “humour”.

Some updates from NYC:

  • Confirmed COVID deaths: 15,983
  • Probable COVID deaths: 4,823
  • Confirmed + probable deaths: 20,806
  • Confirmed deaths per 100,000 residents: 190.3
  • Confirmed deaths per 100,000 residents age 75 or older: 1,421.6
  • Confirmed deaths per 100,000 residents in zip code 11239 in Brooklyn: 612

My own zip code is among the 20 lowest in the city by deaths per 100,000 residents, at around 57.

On a better note, positive test rates in the city continue to fall.

data sourced from COVID-19: Latest Data - NYC Health


Stupid lady. Not too late for her to catch the corona.

Lol businessman. Stupid dummy face lady.

Re: That Covid survival calculator

It’s probably not a great idea to be volunteering a whole bunch of really personal details to some company you’ve never heard of that does data mining as its main line of business.


“I happen to be taking it,” Florida Man said during a roundtable event at the White House. “A lot of good things have come out. You’d be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the front-line workers. Before you catch it. The front-line workers, many, many are taking it.”

He added: “I’m taking it, hydroxychloroquine. Right now, yeah. Couple of weeks ago, I started taking it. Cause I think it’s good, I’ve heard a lot of good stories.”

He said one of the reasons he started taking it was that front line workers sent him letters saying they were taking it and hadn’t gotten sick.

Maybe if we all write him letters about how we’re drinking 16 ounces of bleach a day and it’s working like a charm, he’ll try that too?

What a fucking moron, unless he’s lying. This might be peak Trump. Is he this stupid or is he lying? It’s like Schrodinger’s Braindead Bullshit.


Yea I’d say there’s at least a decent chance that he doesn’t know whether he’s taking it or not


That’s another option. The doctor just gave him some sugar pills and said, “Sir yes sir, Mr. President sir, this is your hydroxychloroquine sir. It’s the best hydroxychloroquine in all the land sir, we made it specially for you, sir.”


Looks like he’s trying to recapture his past days as a failed stand-up comedian.

I know this probably has little to do with anything, but its proponents don’t even claim it’s preventative, do they? The trials are on people who already have it, I think.

In between the Operation Warp Speed member making a boatload of money and now this story my conspiracy theory radar is really going off the charts on this vaccine news today.


I must’ve missed it but what operation warp speed member made a bunch of money?