Wrong country CM.

If there’s one thing I can say about people here is that they’re good when it comes to saving money. I think it comes from not really having any just 20-30 years ago. That and not graduating from college with six figures in debt to pay off.

The government has also done quite a bit to guarantee salaries and retain jobs. So people aren’t hungry.

At least not yet.

The Czechs love using defenestration! Hell the word originated in this country

I also find it funny how people just keep “falling out of windows” in Russia. Everybody knows what it is.

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Maybe it’s just because the windows in Russia are really really clean, so people lean on them thinking their closed, and boom, you fall out of them.


The stupid thing is that we should be more inclined to lock down harder/longer now if we’re going to have safe vaccines available at scale in the fall as opposed to if it’s something that may or may not ever happen and will definitely take over a year.


Nope those are the only two options. Stay inside until you die of old age or go back out now and lick some doorknobs. Deal with it, snowflake!

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Even if we somehow miraculously have a vaccine everyone in the US can take by Christmas that is still going to be 300-600k dead by then and a lot of us will have already gotten it and gotten some kind of immunity probably.

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Phase III also is about identifying safety risks across sub-populations or people taking other medications. Safety issues could still be present even after successful phase III trials. See Vioxx.

Isn’t part of it also letting enough time pass to make sure on the safety front? Also in this case we run the risk of making millions of Americans think their doorknob licking orgies are safe when maybe we don’t know for sure.

It’s also not like Trump is going to get up there and say we don’t know it this works. He’s going to encourage people to go taste some strange doorknobs because it’s totally safe now.

Reopening without meeting health benchmarks, what a bunch of dummies. Thankfully US leadership will learn from their mistakes.


Few people understand the terrible cost of the coronavirus like Lee Snover, a Republican party chair in one of the key swing counties that could determine whether Donald Trump is reelected as president in November.

Snover, who helped deliver an upset victory for Trump in 2016 in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, lost her father to the virus this spring. Her husband fell critically ill, too, spending 17 days in an intensive care unit before recovering. Her mother, a cancer survivor, was also in intensive care for eight days before emerging.

“It spread through my entire family,” Snover said.

Trump stands accused of driving up the coronavirus death toll by downplaying the public health threat and urging the country to “reopen” too quickly. But Snover does not see the president as having failed her family.

“I don’t think people give him enough credit,” she said. “If you think about what a businessman he was, and how much he loved that booming economy, do you know how hard it was for him to shut the country down? That was hard. So I give him credit for that.”


Every day the world gets a little more stupid.

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Everything’s past tense with him now. They’re pretty much acknowledging that it’s a total shit situation but going, “Gee golly gonna vote for him anyway because I ain’t lettin’ some liberal get in, take away our guns and murder babies after they’re born.”

He’s not a smart fellow.

What a psychophant

There’s also the benefit of treatments improving over time so that if you get sick in 6 months as opposed to right now you have a better chance of survival

Apologies if I’m ponied here, I just remember people getting upset with suzzer because he maybe thought having had another cold might help with COVID. (Didn’t follow it closely, though, so also apologies if I got that wrong too.)

The teams also asked whether people who haven’t been infected with SARS-CoV-2 also produce cells that combat it. Thiel and colleagues analyzed blood from 68 uninfected people and found that 34% hosted helper T cells that recognized SARS-CoV-2. The La Jolla team detected this crossreactivity in about half of stored blood samples collected between 2015 and 2018, well before the current pandemic began. The researchers think these cells were likely triggered by past infection with one of the four human coronaviruses that cause colds; proteins in these viruses resemble those of SARS-CoV-2.


It certainly makes sense that exposure to other coronaviruses might help with COVID19.

That was just prana who by his own admission flits in and out and apologized twice for getting my cranky pants going first thing in the morning.


I didn’t communicate clearly. My point is in relation to the idea that if it is more infectious then then IFR is lower… That argument always seems to be made using official deaths rather than excess deaths.

Watch if you want to feel really uncomfortable for a few minutes:

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