He’s still alive…

China’s response to Australia’s call for an independent inquiry into the origins of and response to COVID continues:

Australia’s push for the inquiry has angered Beijing, which will impose a huge tariff on barley and blocked some beef imports.

The Chinese Commerce Ministry says it will impose the anti-dumping duties on barley imports from Australia of 80.5 per cent from Tuesday, Reuters reports.

The anti-dumping duties will be at 73.6 per cent , while the anti-subsidy rate is 6.9 per cent.

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham has not received a return call from his Chinese counterpart and the senator’s office characterised two interviews he did on Monday as being on the subject of a “trade war with China”.

Asked whether Australia was in a trade war, Senator Payne said the government worked through each issue individually.

Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said his opposite number had indicated he would not discuss trade issues in the near future.

+1 to the idea that Trump is thinking he’s taking it while getting something else either because he asked for it and the doctor said sure and lied or Trump lying to himself thinking he’s taking it. The other strong possibility is that Trump wants to quadruple down on his lie.
The other side where he actually is taking it…I mean he surrounds himself with idiots and yesmen so there’s a 10-20% he actually is taking it

A fucking rideshare driver. Who knows how many other cases he is responsible for.

“Looking back I should have wore a mask in the beginning but I didn’t and perhaps I’m paying the price for it now,” he wrote. If he passed the virus on to his wife, he said, he knows that she and God forgive him.

Fuck you.


I’ve seen other stories on this. He’s been pretty public and vocal telling people to take it more seriously.

I’m more sorry for him and everyone else dying over their brainwashed stupidity than anything.


Yea that’s fair, I should be reserving my hatred for the people in power and in the right-wing media that have contributed to the complete brainwashing.

But fuck this guy too.


The Vitamin D study is interesting because not long ago I was Vitamin D deficient. I had a disease called hyperparathyroidism. Basically, a non-cancerous tumor had grown on one of my four parathyroid glands. This caused it to produce too much parathyroid hormone and that caused calcium from my bones to leech into my blood. The high blood calcium level was starting to damage my bones and kidneys. It also caused my Vitamin D level to drop really low. But I had surgery 14 months ago, and now I am cured. Probably got an extra ten years added to my life, and now with my VItamin D back in range, I have a better shot of beating COVID. And I feel so much better.

So if you don’t mind a little advice, please take a look at your blood calcium level and make sure its not too high. Cause if it is, you’ve got a problem. And have your spouse checked as well, since this strikes women about twice as often as men.


Easiest why not both ever.


I don’t feel good about saying this but that dude’s the one blown out of proportion.

Texas Governor announces that pro sports can start on may 31st, with empty stands. Suck it libs. All those Texas only sports leagues going to be back in full swing in two weeks.

What? Wait what do you mean professional leagues have teams all over the country? I don’t understand? No I never had a tree fall on me. What kind of question is that.

California is saying sports without fans in early June, although that’s not official policy yet.

New York is saying the same. Sports are happening. CREAM

You know he’s going to be pushing hard for it to be released before the election

If some states don’t allow pro sports to reopen, haven’t some of the leagues been discussing scenarios where all of the teams would move to one or two cities and play the games there with the players and staff kept in quarantine? For example, MLB sets up camp in one or two of the spring training cities, NFL goes to Texas, NBA goes to Vegas or Orlando, etc…

Sports without fans don’t seem that bad. Watched some of the NASCAR race yesterday. Don’t think anyone got pozzed.

There’s got to be some players who won’t want to leave their families for an extended period of time during a pandemic. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes down. My money is that they try to start up in hub cities then have to shut it all down again anyways when someone tests positive.


Can’t think of a sport that would look or feel any less different without fans than auto racing.


Some of the Olympic events like the marathon swim?

I don’t like it that they are linking the barley tariffs to Covid-19. This has been in the works for more than a year and Australia is giving massive support to these barley farmers that are producing way to much with lower demand. Pissing of China didn’t help but this was going to happen anyway.