Hospitals only mentality is $$$ > patient wellbeing. They care about the money it would cost to have a system to timely notify patients of exposure more than your mom’s life.

The turnaround time for the COVID tests is a real fucking problem too. Three weeks ago my allergies were acting up but I figured I’d better be safer than sorry so I called and got a test scheduled the next day at one of our drive in sites. I felt fine by the next day but I had already taken the test and I couldn’t go to work knowing there was a chance that my test could come back positive so I stayed home for 5 fucking days waiting for that negative result. Now I work someplace where they just let me work from home for four of those days and I only had to burn a sick day for that first day, but you know I’m the exception and not the rule and most people who need to go to work are gonna continue going in while awaiting that result, or not get tested at all.

Pretty safe to say that those saying there was no evidence that lockdowns slowed spread have stopped saying that now

Exactly. It is pretty obvious lockdowns and masks are all that have been proven to work. The fact a majority of the USA #1 crowd is against one or both is insane.

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Ah, thanks for reposting. I have those numbers as well, but they seem to be off by an order of magnitude, so I’ve been using the other set that I referenced yesterday.

I don’t think they are really making an informed decision. There are a lot of adults who would fail the get one piece of candy now or two pieces of candy later experiment. By going back to their pre-Covid lifestyles this pandemic will be prolonged indefinitely. In times of crisis sacrifices need to be made and it’s not actually a sacrifice because the choices are locking down now or locking down later but longer.

Incredibly the entire difference between Germany and the US is Trumps fault. He really should be cruising to reelection right now. All he had to do was sign what the medical people told him to sign and make sympathetic noises on TV. He should have been HAPPY coronavirus came assuming his only real goal is reelection.

Instead he’s created a crisis so big that a bunch of GOP core voters are going to get exposed to some harsh realities. Seriously how many people are going to get COVID because of that last rally and this next one?


Right that’s why i said they “think” they are making an informed decision. I completely agree they aren’t.

There is definitely just some point where it is worth it for a person to drastically increase their chance of getting covid vs being 100% safe. My mom hasnt hugged her grandkids in 6 months. Shes 72 and has some health issues and could only have 5 years left without covid. Her and my dad have been extremely safe but shes ready to say screw it and spend a bunch of time with her family cuddling and hugging and playing games ect.


The state of emergency here ended May 17th

05/17 → 1957
06/27 → 3272 (+67%)

I think this is similar to the spike in the Czech Republic. Prague used to be the most infected area per capita in the country but with the outbreak along the Czech-Polish border, Moravia-Silesia is now the most infectious region of the country.

Over the last 7 days, the per capita new cases in Karvina (a small district in Moravia-Silesia) is 135.59 per 100,000. In Prague, it’s 6.49. As a matter of fact, 122 of the 260 cases from yesterday were from Karvina, a district with a population of 52,000 people. Basically, they’ve been fending off an outbreak there for about a month now. The rest of Moravia-Silesia contains over a million people. No doubt they’re responsible for the majority of new cases.

I think we all realize this one way or another. However, I really think that point is after it becomes obvious there isn’t going to be a “quick” cure or vaccine or other breakthrough… and not before.

I’ve been saying, baring such a breakthrough, I’ll re-evaluate our household lock down after the 2022 Rose Bowl.


Really? They seem pretty spot on to me.

For instance, in Nevada, 70% of the state lives in a small part of Clark County with a ppsm of 4,000 on average. Urban areas tend to skew towards the denser side*, so the weighted population density of that 2 million people should be well north of there. So you’d expect something in the 4,000-6,000 range.

*if you have a high rise district with 20,000 ppsm and a suburban district with 1,000 ppsm, each with the same population, the average population density of the entire area will be just over 2,000 ppsm, while the weighted population density will be just over 10,000 ppsm


The second part of this analysis is potentially confounded by Memorial Day. If there was an increase in infections due to holiday travel, then the absence of a reversion to the “default” rate of infection could mean that the protests did cause infections relative to the counter factual.

Kid Poker jumping into the deep end of the pool

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I fancy myself a much more rational and level headed person than most and the loneliness is starting to get to me. Every day feels the same, my kids aren’t getting to socialize and make friends, there is really nothing to look forward to. It fucking sucks. Obviously all anti-mask warriors are just dipshits, same for the pool party crew, but it is hard for me to get too mad at people taking calculated risks like small cookouts or whatever.


Weekend data has followed normal patterns in FL also. They had 3400 cases reported last Sunday. Nearly tripling in a week seems bad but what do I know.


Eh, I think the Memorial Day effect is overblown.

Things were opening steadily throughout May, and Memorial Day definitely kicked things back up a notch.

I’ve gone on walks through Atlanta most weekend nights since this began. There hasn’t been a weekend where things were less busy and crowded than the weekend before it.

Except, of course, for the curfew weekend.

That’s the same weekend that NH seemed to get fed up with precautions and I noticed that people were everywhere all of a sudden, and tons of people had BBQs and parties, etc.