COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Good news for our UK posters, 7dma in the UK still dropping and is now the lowest it’s been since December 19th. Source: United Kingdom Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times. More evidence that the omicron retreat will hopefully follow the alpha retreat of steep decline, level and slight rise, followed by decline again.

My 99-year-old grandma had it ,too, recently and sloughed it off

Wtf is the continued fascination with this shit 2 years in for the life of me

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It almost is, but you need a lot more information to actually draw a conclusion, like the fraction of that 80 million who are vaxxed, and the frequency with which vaxxed people get tested, too. I know vaxxed people who get tested regularly. There are a lot of them out there. And even knowing that much STILL doesn’t answer the question of how many cases are being missed in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed people, because vaxxed people getting tested less often than unvaxxed people isn’t proof that more cases are being missed. Vaxxed people are also going to have a lot fewer cases, so it would hardly be surprising that vaxxed people get tested less often than unvaxxed people. Many vaxxed people who test positive on an at-home test will get confirmation with a PCR test and thereby not get missed. Many unvaccinated people are all-in on the idea that covid is bullshit and won’t get tested unless they wind up in the hospital. That is why people are asking you for a measurement – an actual measurement, not a theory – of how many cases are being missed in vaccinated people vs. unvaccinated people. As best we can tell, there hasn’t been one, so treating it as an iron clad FACT that more vaccinated cases are being missed is scientific malpractice.

Yeah, this was mostly the product of the bullshit factory trying to convince everyone that a spike in hospitalizations shortly after a spike in covid cases was actually due to an epidemic of broken ankles or what have you rather than a covid epidemic. It’s bullshit, but they want it to be true. You want to hitch your wagon to those bullshit spouters? I can’t stop you, but don’t expect anyone to respect their citations or conclusions.

More often compared to what? Like, I grant that there are covid cases that aren’t making it into the official statistics. That’s verifiably true just from this thread. Basically everyone here is vaxxed, but we both know there are also obviously unvaxxed cases that aren’t getting counted. But the existence of uncounted vaxxed cases doesn’t give you license to extrapolate their number to infinity.

Glad to hear your grandma is doing well.

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More on this beat from a recent KFF poll:

Source CDC KFF Delta
Unvaxxed 13% 22% -9%
Partially vaxxed 13% 6% +7%
Fully vaxxed, unboosted 41% 31% +10%
Boosted 33% 40% -7%

Sure, there almost certainly are. How many? And why should I care?

All I’ve actually said is that the spike in hospitalizations is not due to an ankle breaking epidemic where people also have covid.

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Right, as always with you, finding 4 asymptomatic cases is the same as finding 40 million, because the extent to which there are asymptomatic cases out there is limited only by your imagination.

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In my quote that you quoted, I put in a relative quantification of the abundance of never-symptomatic cases that I deny. That amount is much greater than 10, so I’m not sure why you think the existence of a few cases in your personal anecdote would be news to me.

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I told you already. It’s in the quote you quoted!

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I literally told you what I meant by huge in that quote. It’s right there. Apparently everyone can read it but you?

The continuation of this performance art is really annoying. It’s also the point of what JT is doing. He’s upset churchill got banned for calling me a moron. Time to move on from this shit.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. The vaccines provides meaningful protection from getting and transmitting all variants prior to Omicron, indisputably. Nobody was wrong about that.

You’re arguing over “meaningful” with regard to Omicron. I’d say it’s meaningful, but whatever. We’ll have boosters that will be back up over 90% effective against transmission again this year, and I assume you’ll be in here doing your “but actually” routine again, and in another 12-18 months if we have a new escape variant you’ll claim victory again.

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It provides protection from getting omicron too. Probably not enough to R0<1, but it’s meaningful nonetheless.

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Admission by sarcastic heart?

I agree, especially in the first few months after a booster. I mean if JT knew somebody was going to shove him into a room full of Omicron-positive people in two weeks and rip his mask off and lock him in for 24 hours, and he had an option to get a booster today, assuming it had been 6 months since his last shot, obviously it would be moronic not to get one.

We all know that, so what are we arguing about again?

JT has actually argued IIRC that the vaccine doesn’t provide meaningful protection against delta and omicron, but I’m not 100% on that. I don’t care though. Productive conversation isn’t the goal right now.

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JT your inability to have your citations support what you say is pathological.


Did you read it at all?

I must emphasize that vaccinated people are several times less likely to be infected by Delta than unvaccinated people.

Anyways, this isn’t a discussion. Vaccines provide protection against infection and therefore transmission. No one has said that vaccinated people can’t spread the virus. The continuation of this from you is dishonest bullshit.

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