COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

They were PCR tests. It would be extraordinarily unlikely that he has an at-home setup to do them himself, but I guess I have to concede that maybe he did.

I’ve tested like six times since mid December, all negative. Vaxxed and boosted. My girlfriend has tested at least seven times in that stretch, all negative. Vaxxed and boosted.

Sample size is now 15!

(All rapid. 2 additional negative PCRs)

I’m glad that you continue to find evidence to support your claim by thinking about it very hard.

Fuckin amateur hour here. I’ve PCR tested at least 10 times since I was vaccinated.

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There are huge numbers of vaccinated people (that is, large compared to the number of vaccinated people who tested positive) who would test positive despite never having symptoms ever. Source: Johnny’s imagination that he expects us to take seriously.


Those are just since mid December. I can’t match your numbers though even going all the way back. Hats off to you, good sir.

I am on my phone and can’t read NYT on it. I skimmed the Gothamist and MIT thing, and saw anecdotes and conjecture and theories. Did I miss data or facts somewhere? Like if you want to excerpt something or give me a sentence or phrase to search for, I’ll go look. Otherwise I didn’t see any hard evidence.

Grunching 150+ posts.

Dad moved to rehab. Rested and fed he is 90% back to normal. Tired and hungry more like 70. 5 days out that’s a big win.

Also from skimming

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

Spreading faster in vaxxed vs unvaxxed is a big motherfucking claim. There better be some big motherfucking iron clad data to support. Or STFU.


It’s a necessary condition for everything you’ve been arguing. You don’t think that vaccines offer meaningful protection against infection, right? And you also think there are more vaccinated than unvaccinated people out there who are infected and would test positive but who aren’t getting tested, right? Those things can only be true if there are huge numbers of vaccinated people out there who would test positive but who have no symptoms and don’t get tested.

Really glad your dad is doing well. Hope he’s out of there and doing some outpatient rehab soon to get that last 10% back! Glad you were able to get in there and see him too, what a nightmare.

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Glad to hear he said yes, yes, yes.

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Edit: The claim wasn’t that it is spreading faster in vaxxed versus unvaxxed. I missed that part of your post.

So no actual hard evidence or data, then? Like thats ok for a theory, just don’t pass it off as fact. As I’ve said I’m not saying your theory is definitely wrong, we don’t know.

Is there a point to it, though? Like if JT’s theory, then _____?

It’s not even JT’s theory. It’s Churchill’s theory. Which Churchill tried to pass off as fact without evidence. Which JT then jumped in on to also try to pass off as fact without evidence.

Wait, hold on. This isn’t your claim is it @JohnnyTruant?? That would be crazy. You’re claiming negative efficacy? I hope that’s a misunderstanding along the way.

All the backup I see is non-factual (I’m not saying false, I’m saying not proven fact), or hypothetical. Which source has the iron-clad backup?

So you’re telling me it’s Friday night?

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Dude, nobody is even saying you’re fucking wrong. You’re the one who is presenting this as gospel truth though without any actual evidence. Like you got pissed off and called it “jello” when my answer to you was “maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not.” But that’s where we are. You are going all in on Churchill’s theory without any evidence and demanding that everyone accept this obvious truth that isn’t at all obvious.


He is inpatient rehab. Home would be a disaster until he closes the gap when he’s at his weakest. Afib is underlying cause so he is on Eliquis (blood thinner). A fall would be a BFD.

Good luck man.