COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Part of going to my job is testing twice a week

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Shockingly I am negative. Feel like total garbage

LOL, my school is advising students that when theyā€™re eating, they need to make sure to cover their mouths between every bite or sip.

Edit: In particular, they are telling students to put their mask back on in between each bite and sip. Not just closing their mouths.

This is going to be a complete disaster. Theyā€™re expecting students who test positive to quarantine for multiple days, and students should plan on doing so in a hotel or at their parentsā€™ house if the schoolā€™s quarantine space runs out. Sure, college students just casually having enough money to throw down for a week-long hotel stay.


or just learn to eat with their mouths closed.

I dunno about the desantis video. Sometimes heā€™s breathing funny other times heā€™s fine. Hard to tell at bedside though, much less a formal speech.

Hearing everyone in Westchester County is on diversion and some med schools are talking about promoting 4th year med students early again.

Yeah Ive seen twitter reports of other schools doing this, with some of the people real happy about it, but seems like students moving their mask up and down 100 times while eating is a counterproductive measure.

Maybe the should space the kids out such that they can alternate when they take bites.


no way Iā€™m going to read a thread between clara fucking jeffery and nate silver, but is he saying these are similar for his personal ethics/priorities or for the american electorateā€™s? Because if itā€™s the latter, heā€™s wrong, but the other way, the US electorate cares about 100x more about USAian kids in school than it ever did about dead iraqi civilians


Only the latter case is interesting to me.

How long do covid tests last? Seems like it would be preferable to buy a couple when I can find them cheap rather than panic buying and leaving the house with possible covid. (reply fail)

It sounded to me that he was talking about it in a normative sense. It not just his viewpoint, but he believes that it is the correct viewpoint that everyone should have (not that they actually have it, which as you say, they probably do.


Seems like most tests have been approved for expiration dates that are 8-12 months from manufacture. Given recent demand, Iā€™d imagine most tests youā€™ll find on shelves probably havenā€™t been sitting very long, but I guess you could run into some situations (especially with online sellers) where inventory could have been sitting in a warehouse for a whileā€¦

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JFC - this is getting surreal

The one I have says it expires 11-11-22 (I think).

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Well, hospital changed their rules so that unless I get some sort of special exemption, I wonā€™t be able to see my child until sheā€™s discharged from the hospital because of covid. Weā€™ve used a carrier for the pregnancy because of my wifeā€™s medical issues, and they have written rules that donā€™t consider this situation. Our carrier has graciously allowed my wife to be her support person (she didnā€™t have to do this, and it wasnā€™t part of the plan), but Iā€™m shit out of luck for the moment.


It sucks you canā€™t be there, but I assume with no complications theyā€™ll be out within 24 hours after delivery?

Honestly Iā€™m thinking about bringing her home after 12.