COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

So I have a big bias here, but mid-level hospital admins are the dumbest fucking person in the hospital on any given day. I can read their policy, it says 1 support person for L&D. It also says 2 support people for NICU. Going to have to change the framing here from ‘special exemption’ to ‘NICU admission’, which is 100% right.

I definitely got COVID at the hospital right after my son was born, but seems like there was no real way to avoid it.

Day 10, ending my masking requirement at home. Fingers crossed all the guidance isn’t wrong and I’m no longer contagious. No symptoms for a week.


I guess it’s too late to call an audible for a midwife home birth?

Has to be a c-section.

Neg for covid. Neg for flu but doc best guess is flu. So yeah. Back to work sat or sun.


The Djokovic method.


Or maybe a different hospital?

sounds like he’s crying.

So I mentioned my daughter came down with a fever last night and tested positive. My wife who works in a small office with a few people (most working remote) for a school administration called in to her boss and the school nurse to discuss and was told to report to work, as apparently these are the current state guidelines? So she decides she’s going to at least tell the other handful of people in the office. First one she calls says, “oh no big deal my husband has had covid since last week.” JFC these people.


Got a rapid taste not positive, waiting on other test.

I was pretty confident I had it two days ago, but maybe not.

On another front I know guy who has it tested early last week positive and again a week later positive again, w PCR.

Not sure 5 days Is bueno.

Working hard to suppress a cough and breathing like he’s running after a bus.

Goddamn I can’t imagine being a carrier, much less being a carrier and having to go through a c-section for it. This woman is a saint. GL CN, hope you’re able to get in (and congrats LDO).


Are you a doctor or aren’t you. Mcguyver that shit.

Seriously hope you can get in. Best of luck.


I’m exactly the opposite. I feel like if someone paid me enough money (i.e. a lot), I’d probably do it. But I think there is a 99.9% chance I only feel that way because I really have no idea what it’s like to be in that spot. My wife would tell you that no one could pay her enough.

On the other hand, she would also tell you that going straight to c-section is preferable to prolonged labor and vaginal delivery. But maybe that’s just her.

My first child was born via C-section. After the baby was born, my wife let me walk around the screen and watch them play Operation on her.

The pictures were vivid.

Damn yall are crazy. My sister got c-sectioned because her first pregnancy was twins, and the way she described it to me resulted in an immediate NOPE. I prefer my organs to stay, uh, organized.

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My wife had c-sections for both our kids. The first 24 hours after induction didn’t do the trick, the second scheduled. She is a big fan of the c-section plan, for the scheduled one I think we were due to check in at the hospital at 1PM, got there early at 12:30, and had a baby in our arms at 1:30. Maybe I’m exaggerating a little but it was quick.

I also looked over the screen. Can’t say I regret it exactly, but it great googly moogly.

I don’t know, man. Have someone give you a 20 hour labor and episiotomy trip report and then compare.

My wife’s c-section was the best thing ever as far as she is concerned. The date was set really late in the pregnancy (if she went into labor first, then obviously they would have taken care of it earlier). Went in at scheduled time, got epidural, baby got cut out and wife got sewn up. We’re back in the room with the baby in under 2hrs. Very little discomfort. Recovery was longer and there is a scar, but she seemed to think it was a fine trade off.

Fair, I’m probably underappreciating how much natural birth fucks up your body too, which I’ll never appreciate due to my lack of baby-birthing parts. Birth in general is just wild. Carry on!

Not an option unfortunately. Our surrogate really likes her obgyn, plus it takes a ton of paperwork to get done so that we get our baby at the birth.

Has to be a c-section because she’s had two previous c-sections. She is a saint, and we’re already talking about her possibly doing a second one for us.

ugh I actually am qualified to do a c-section. I’ve never done one solo and I only do one if someone is about to die. Having to do one comes up in my nightmares.