COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Obviously she would know, but IIRC you shouldn’t really do it too much “beforehand” as there is evidence to show that keeping the baby in longer (up to a certain point) is associated with better outcomes. So, for the truly optimal experience you have to schedule it late AND hope you don’t go into labor first.

Oh, yeah, that’s definitely a thing I’ve heard of people choosing to do.

My wife is a champ at childbirth. Two deliveries, no epi (not entirely by choice).

Ugh, that sucks, CN. If it means anything, I was there for my son’s birth via C-section and it was all surreal and a blur and weird and all the best parts of fatherhood have come after that moment. Keep us posted!

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Several inside baseball jokes here but this has been cracking me up all day


Wen peak?


2-6 weeks with peak projection between 2 and 20 millions cases a day is the range of projections I’ve seen

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Reported or actual?

I’d guess the 7DMA never hits a million confirmed cases, and will begin declining this time next week. But maybe I’m hopelessly optimistic here.

Boston and environs (including some NH districts) declaring Snovid day tomorrow. Close to 10% of my wife’s students are out with COVID, but the staff is doing better.

I think we get to a million confirmed but anything much above that gets sort of capacity constrained. We are almost undoubtedly already at a million or two “real” cases

I haven’t paid a lot of attention to the reported testing numbers, but can this NY Times data possibly be right?


Based on 7-day average numbers, we have a positivity rate of 35% nationwide? That seems insanely high to me, but the Mayo Clinic seems to suggest that number might be in the right ballpark:

Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised - there’s obviously been an explosion in cases and likely not a big change in testing infrastructure or demand. But even knowing how contagious it is I’m still stunned at the idea that more than one in three tests are coming back positive.

NGL, if it turns out I don’t have Covid at this point I’m gonna be pissed.


And I think we’re probably only capturing something like 20-25 percent of cases in official numbers right now. It’s wild out there.

Day 9. Symptoms pretty much gone, but still testing positive on the antigen.

So fucking over this shit.


My son’s school district is now “requiring” a negative test to return to school Monday, but there’s no process for checking. They just say “you must have a negative test to come back” and leave it at that.

It’s worse than that in Australia where we are beating USA in cases per capita anyway. Nobody can get a test, rapid or CRP. I reckon it’s at least 6x the published cases.

The more scarce tests are the more likely the positive dominate the numbers. And the demand side right now is insane.

Snovid here tomorrow as well outside Philly. 2-4” expected and lots of students and staff at home with poz or close pozzes.

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Philippines at 37% positivity yesterday. Insane.