COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

So it’s like when Nancy Pelosi says, “Donald Trump must renounce the abhorrent statement in his latest tweet.”

You’re telling me after all this work in the covid thread you can’t deliver your child with nothing but dryer lint, a trackball, an empty toilet paper roll, and some left handed child’s safety scissors? GTFO, my image of you is shattered.

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I’m having a small gathering at my gf’s house for my birthday in about an hour. It was going to be 10 people which is currently the max allowed by law but one of the couples are a late apology. Their eldest child last-minute returned a positive RAT.

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hbd! nice of them not to gift covid.

2/3 of one of my classes is in quarantine due to testing positive for COVID or being in close contact with them.

Once omicron becomes the dominant strain here (probably in a week), it will be way worse.

“Death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said, among working-age people between 18 and 64. Deaths among older Americans have also increased, with one in 100 Americans over the age of 65 dying.

There have been an estimated 942,431 excess deaths in the US since February 2020, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hispanic, Black and Native American and Alaska Native populations have been disproportionately affected with high death rates, research shows.

The pandemic pales in comparison to other previous crises, Davison said. “A one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic [levels]. So 40% is just unheard of.”

Pikachu surprised gif


But Djokovic is white.


Also the airline approves getting on the plane. Not immigration. Sounds like the “I’m Djokavic” approach worked with the airline desk, not with the professionals.

Lol at he got on the plane therefore should be fine.

Also he’s in voluntary fucking detention. Like, he could leave at any time and get on a return flight home, right? And when he gets home he’ll still be a millionaire and not at risk of being murdered by gangs, right?

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The UK appears to have peaked. Whether that’s due to testing capacity or an actual peak though is anyones guess.

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Just wanted to chime in to say that Leah Litman is awesome, and her podcast Strict Scrutiny (a more dignified and slightly less funny 5-4, maybe?) is awesome.

Here’s her thread on the OSHA case:


Thing is Oliver Brown wouldn’t have any problem with that. He believes the Brits were mainly a civilising influence around the world and the “less palatable” aspects were collateral damage.

People like that actually exist here, and in larger numbers than you might think.

Yep this the fun “we’re not saying we want this outcome but we get to decide via this Calvinball who gets to decide and whoops it turns out the people we picked want the same outcome we want.”

And I don’t get why no one’s brought this up. The government isn’t actually mandating vaccines, they’re mandating testing (which will make your life so annoying that you get a vaccine).

Ugh. Well previously we thought that Mrs rugby and her family had dodged the covid bullet. But looks like her 13 year old nephew (double vaxxed) has caught it. Probably from me, but not necessarily.

He’s had symptoms since monday that nobody spotted because you know. Teenagers.

Now they are trying to figure out what to do when everybody in the house would have been super exposed, but currently all testing negative.

Thoughts on what to do with Mrs rugby?

She was staying with fam away from me while I isolated. But now the chance that one or several of her current household (including her) have it is real high.

I’m on day 9/10 tomorrow. Still testing positive on the rapid antigen.

Do you think she safer with me or with the family house? Neither is a great option.

Three more docs with covid out today in my group.