COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’d do it for $938. But $937.50 isn’t enough.


If you’re 9 days out and asymptomatic, then I’d say with you is much better.

Yeah Id say safer with one person 9 days out. Stay in separate rooms and mask up with N95 if possible for another day or 2.

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1-800-child abuse


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It has to be blowing higher ups’ minds that throwing money at plebs isn’t getting them to come in and work.


maybe he meant worldwide

Gorsuch is next after Glenn Beck? TBH did not see that coming.

Just found out a co worker tested positive. They were in office Thursday.

They are fully vax so they are coming back Monday


I’m just wondering about what kind of budgeting reasoning led them to choose exactly 15/16 of $1000 as the sweet spot.

it’s probably some multiple of an hourly, probably 93.75.

Well, the flu actually does kill hundreds of thousands of people every year, so it’s pretty easy to point that out. I have no idea if Gorush was talking worldwide or in the US, I’d have to look at the transcript. And even then it probably wouldn’t be clear.

He’s specifically talking about the OSHA regs in the USA. Thanks for your contribution.

re: COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron - #10533 by ChrisV

i finally finished reading that Lab Leak 2.0 substack. it is much more alarmist than what could be reasonably considered parsimonious. like, the s/ns ratio of 3.5 sounds kinda arbitrarily chosen, and if environment can change the frequency of silent mutations, e.g. a vaccinated population, than it would also be reasonable to see whether the ratio is different for omicron to begin with, since its mechanics appear to be different.

the lab leaks they claim are delta or omicron are not really lining up with what we think are the start of delta and omicron waves. it almost like the easiest explanation there is that the tech caught delta outside the lab, and they make a huge deal about improper safety precautions like double gloves and removing of goggles, they took should at least try to corroborate it by some evidence that omicron (and delta) can in fact spread via surface exposure like that. or that there’s evidence the tech passed the infection to someone else.

then the comments section immediately raised a flag.

all of this hoopla about banning GoF research, even though they say it would be trivially cheap to do right now in secret or in some jurisdiction where it’s allowed. like their claim is that any phd can just buy some mice, infect them, and start selecting, eventually arriving at a leaked virus. banning the research in controlled environments like universities and labs doesn’t seem like it would actually prevent ambitious people to try.

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I mentioned my friends mom was in the hospital since Thanksgiving a week or so ago with Covid (unvaxxed) she finally passed away last night. Ignorance is tragic.


I understand that’s what the case is about.

stop it

in other news, two more people down as of this morning. We won’t have an ER if this keeps up.


Yes sir, sorry thread captain sir.