COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

It could alternatively be that delta has entirely fizzled out (likely due to a lack of susceptible people and the current level of precautions people are taking) while omicron can infect many of those delta-resistant people and/or is more infectious at the current level of precautions. There could also be effects where people who are doubly-infected with delta and omicron are being misdiagnosed as having only omicron, but I kinda doubt this is big.

That all said, I would definitely hypothesize that omicron confers a high degree of delta immunity, because they have mutations in common relative to Wuhan, and the Wuhan strain even confers immunity against both.

Nate gets to be todayā€™s main character on Twitter.

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This is where you out them by name on social media. You are under no legal requirement to keep their COVID status private.

He could get eaten by giant crabs!

This is gibberish. Again, schools are the only place with strong enough labor to demand that they arenā€™t exploited. Thereā€™s no hostage taking metaphor here

You are correct that Bobā€™s post does not include a hostage taking metaphor.

I guess thatā€™s just it then, huh. The centrist lib thinks that American lives are more important/valuable than middle eastern lives. Like I kinda knew that already but I never expected them to come out and just say it.

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Thing is that most teachers really want school to stay open. If they have to risk COVID in non-ideal environments to make it happen, they will. Hell, Iā€™ve been doing it since September.

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So do parents! Nate trying to Nate-splain to real people why remote learning sucks two years into this pandemic is unbelievably condescending.


Thanks. Looks like Mina was right after all.

A+ to whoever edited it.

Depressing to think that the original comic is 18 months old.


I guess if they question the kid/parents and they deny it, then the ā€œinvestigationā€ would simply involve testing the kid. If the school canā€™t compel that, when they have (presumably) a ton of witnesses claiming that this kid said he was positive, thatā€™s a problem.

Show me a country where the people donā€™t care more about their fellow countrymen than they do about people halfway around the world?

Thanks for playing.

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This isnā€™t true though, itā€™s just a thing youā€™re saying to distract from the political decisions being made.

Thatā€™s not what he said.

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Thatā€™s a good thing. It might have gotten contentious if we had to start referring to you as superuberspreader!

You might also want to test again in a few days. We flew on Sunday and my daughter got a 103 fever overnight last night and tested positive this morning by rapid test. She hasnā€™t been out of the house since Sunday, although my wife has been going to work in a small school admin office with a couple of employees. (They told her to report to work anyway today lmfao.)


Need schools open so Republicans and libertarians can resume the serious business of dismantling public education and replacing it with for-profit schooling.

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I suppose my statement could be construed by some dishonest person to say that some store closed for a day, so for clarityā€™s sake thereā€™s nothing similar to schools that can demand closures like they can.