COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

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Lol, you don’t say.


If you can’t think of anything useful to post, you know you’re allowed to just not post anything, right?


Yeah, I’m with bobman on this one. This result was within the realm of likely hypotheses, but it wasn’t obviously or necessarily true, and the quantification of the effect is definitely worthy.


Count me with the pozzed. Vax and boosted. Feels like a head cold with a low grade fever.


I’m not quite sure I understand it, but it seems crazy that the Omicron positive rate for vaxxed but unboosted is not significantly different from the rate for the Omicron rate for unvaxxed. Maybe vaccinated people are more likely to get tested later in the period when Omicron is more prevalent?

Hopefully this hold because South Africa deaths dont seem to have peaked and not clear why. Hopefully its just a data issue.

Whats interesting, if Im reading this right, is that Delta still has a transmission advantage among the unvaxxed?

I’m not quite sure I understand it, but it seems crazy that the Omicron positive rate for vaxxed but unboosted is not significantly different from the rate for the Omicron rate for unvaxxed. Maybe vaccinated people are more likely to get tested later in the period when Omicron is more prevalent?

Not that surprising, with waning and only two doses we werent expecting to see that much help against Omicron transmission.

About 25% of the teachers at my school are currently COVID+ or quarantined due to contact with a COVID+ family member. One of my classes today had 3 students at it with about half the class missing due to COVID and the rest allowed to quarantine to be able to attend a school trip.

No word on going to full-time distance learning. Probably only happens if there aren’t enough teachers in the school to run the scheduled classes and the quarantine is short enough and the testing infrequent enough that that won’t be the case.

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Eh, looks like a very thin edge, might not be real.

Not exactly encouraging

Yeah preschool on quarantine number three today. For those in unlucky cohorts once the pooled test results are clarified, we are probably looking at ending January with something like 8 days of school and three PCR tests to make it there. Not gonna be testing to go back next week anytime soon with the blizzard this weekend either I imagine.

Parents are screaming for looser protocols and are likely to get them. This is in a rich liberal school, just for a preview of coming events for precautions during future waves.

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Maybe, but the trend from 0-3 doses seems to suggest the Omicron advantage is more immune evasion than pure spread advantage/more contagious, no?

It’s an interesting data point, but I wouldnt take it as definitive yet.

Yeah, more meant for more study, How it works for previous infections going to be key too, big thing is just trying to figure out if delta can resurge imo.

Thread of threads on urgency of normal


I’m in the seems obvious, nice to have it data support camp. :heart:s for everyone. No reason for discord IMO.

Certainly not with any confidence.

Not much time to read anything this week. :(

Two-thirds of people with Omicron in England had Covid before, study finds

Two-thirds of people recently infected with the Omicron variant say they had Covid previously, according to a new British study.

The REACT (REal-time Assessment of Community Transmission) research team swap-tested thousands of volunteers across England.

Almost two out of every three Covid-positive participants reported having had Covid before, according to the findings published by the Imperial College London on Wednesday.

“Among the 3,582 swab-positive individuals reporting whether or not they had had previous infection, 2,315 (64.6%) reported a confirmed previous infection,” the report read.

The researchers concluded that past infection was associated with a high risk of reinfection with Omicron.

However, more work is needed to determine how many of the results are true reinfections or PCR tests which may have picked up old traces of the virus.

Risks of infection were found to increase among people living in large compared to single-person households, those in more deprived areas and among people of Asian, Black and other ethnicities, according to the findings.

The research programme, commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and carried out by Imperial College London, is in partnership with Ipsos MORI and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Confirmed Hoax :\

I’m so angry about the lack of beds and the problems that has caused.