COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

What? Grandma isn’t at risk of dying if I don’t go to the hospital to get my cut sewn up.

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Grandmas will die of worrying if you dont take care of yourself.

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A third of people are stressed and frustrated and two-thirds are really confused why some pollster who called them while they were on the way to Applebee’s thought they’d be frustrated. Dude it’s two for $20 Tuesday, what gives???


More like two for $40 night. Thanks Obiden!


So I was wrong about something. Organ transplant patients should have to get covid vaccines before transplantation.

Uggh, don’t even tell me. Someone got an organ transplant, then got Covid, then died? Christ.

There was a story on World News Tonight about a 31 year old patient in Boston who needs a transplant but isn’t getting one because he isn’t vaccinated. I see no issues with this. They had a medocal ethicist on to explain the reasoning, and ot basically comes down to “you’re an idiot who is way more likely to die post transplant, so we’ll save the scarce organs for people who have a better shot at living”.


What I will never understand is what kind of fucking nutjob thinks a bunch of docs is completely fucking incompetent when it comes to the relatively easy job of making COVID recommendations but this same group of incompetents is totally acceptable to cut him open and shove someone’s kidney in there.


Ya I read about that yesterday.

Dr. Arthur Caplan is Head of Medical Ethics at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. He says being vaccinated is necessary for this type of procedure. “Post any transplant, kidney, heart whatever, your immune system is shut off,” Caplan said. “The flu could kill you, a cold could kill you, COVID could kill you. The organs are scarce, we are not going to distribute them to someone who has a poor chance of living when others who are vaccinated have a better chance post-surgery of surviving.”

While the family says DJ has received great care from doctors and nurses at Brigham and Women’s, they just don’t agree with the heart transplant COVID vaccination policy. “I think my boy is fighting pretty damn courageously and he has integrity and principles he really believes in and that makes me respect him all the more.”

Which is why the family is sticking by DJ’s side and hoping for the best. “It’s his body. It’s his choice,” Ferguson said.

On one hand you could get a vaccine, on the other hand you die. Apparently a tough choice.


My MIL is a transplant survivor. It is absolutely true that a mild virus can kill you. You are on a ton of immunosuppressants to avoid organ rejection. This policy absolutely makes sense.

I’m pleased for the next person in the queue who gets a new heart - thanks DJ


So might as well post this as this seems like it’s the new Great Barrington Declaration of stupidity only regarding kids in schools.

First the website,

It’s the usual morons.

Anyways, a long but good twitter thread from an emergency psych doctor talking about some psych things I wasn’t aware of.

There’s also lots of ‘with covid’ instead of ‘of covid’ bullshit in there too.

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Another all-time high for the day. Yesterday, we cracked 30K. This time, it’s 40K.

I’ll be conducting more covid tests on classes. Seems that I dodged a bullet given that I had to handle a positive student Monday and have tested negative twice since then.


This is surprising to me. At my wife’s school, all the regular pool testing is done by contractors supplied by the state, with one-offs done by her, the nurse.

I don’t live in America though.

Gotta be a nightmare to try to get little kids to give themselves COVID tests. Thankfully, my students are high schoolers and know the drill.

Im trying to figure out whether our department of health being abbreviated as Doh! is iroinic or not

Too early to say for sure, but it looks like deaths have peaked in NYC. If that’s right, it happened 10 days after peak cases (both based on 7DMA).

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What are the darker bars along the bottom?

Yup, and in general aren’t they already pretty cold and calculating when it comes to prioritizing/classifying transplant candidates, giving everybody a score based on their likelihood to survive X years or what not? Only makes sense that lack of COVID immunization would tank your score.

Darker bars are probable COVID deaths. The moving average line is based on probably and confirmed.