COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

This doesn’t seem that alarming to me. With an aging population and a declining birth rate this pattern seems likely to arise in most Western countries eventually. The whole country of Canada had about 300,000 deaths to 350,000 births in 2021 and the “births” line is trending down and the “deaths” line is trending up, even before COVID.

For some weird reason Canada counts annual births and deaths July to June, so “2021” is for the 12 months ending June 30, 2021.


If I recall correctly, he pozzed at some point in 2020 too, maybe even leading up to the election?

Yup, had to suspend his campaign and everything. Given the margins might have been what prevented him from avoiding the runoff.

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Please report problematic posts like Bob’s to the moderator team in the future, I appreciate your vigilance but there’s no need for you to try to police posts like this yourself in the open forum. Leave that to the moderation team.


It’s looking grim here this weekend.

The convoy of truckers opposed to vaccine mandates is expected to arrive on Parliament Hill this weekend. The convoy passed through Winnipeg on Tuesday. The movement has gathered steam nationwide, with videos showing highway gatherings in support of the truckers.

Chief Peter Sloly said what started out as a single demonstration, the Freedom Convoy, has “changed substantially” in the past 24 hours or so. Now, police are preparing for other groups to flood the downtown core as well who aren’t affiliated with the main convoy.

“There are an increasing amount of other interested parties who are considering, if not articulating coming to the nation’s capital,” Sloly said.

The whole thing’s being bankrolled by a GoFundMe started by the separatist party in Alberta. We’re going to be ground zero for the worst elements in society this weekend, possibly longer. Like the hellmouth from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


So you’re saying if we nuked Ottawa this weekend we could wipe out all the deplorables AND all the politicians? I’d hate to live in a world like that!



I did not find Bob’s post problematic, despite it being directed at me.

Give the way the UK reports their numbers would that mean a massive case undercount as (I think) they exclude reinfections? Does that bleed into hospital/death data too or no? Just trying to look at countries ahead of the US timeline.

Nah, Parliament’s still virtual so the politicians aren’t here.

Czechs who test positive for COVID on a PCR test will not have to test at work, school, or quarantine for 30 days afterwards.

I get the being exempt from work/school testing but you should have to at least test negative to leave quarantine.

Positive changes involve invalidating all covid vaccines for admittance to restaurants, bars and the like if they were received prior to May 1st. All vaccines after that (excluding boosters) have a 9 month validity. Administrative leave for schools has been increased by 10 days to compensate for how much of it has been used so far.

Also what’s happening is that people in the CR are seeing countries like Ireland repealing all measures and just going back to normal and want to do the same. Differences are that Ireland has past their omicron peak and their vaccination rate is way, way higher. I mean their booster rate is nearly double CR’s. Meanwhile, we’re on our way up to the peak not quickly falling from it.

Has it been determined if BA.1 provides some immunity against BA.2?

Spotify: “A streaming service don’t need him around anyhow.”


Damn this pony.

demographically 20/21 was awful in every country. it’s not surprising that some places had more deaths than births, although those numbers will probably bounce back, they likely won’t reverse long term trends.

some countries might finally adopt better family policies as a response, and that might mean more avg kids per family, but we will need to have several years of data to tell.

C’mon Taylor Swift?

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I’m playing around with CDC vaccination data right now. Interesting facts:

  • According to CDC data, there are 1.3 million adult New Hampshire residents who have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine. Also according to CDC data, there are 1.1 million adults resident in New Hampshire!
  • New Hampshire is the leader in single-vaxxed percentage for adults at 119%, but MA (105%), RI (104%), DC (104%), CT (103%), and VT (100%) have all vaccinated more resident adults than actually exist. Maine is the slacker of New England, having vaccinated a mere 98.4% of its adult population.
  • Honorable mentions to New York (99.3%) and California (98.9%).
  • 65+ data is even more remarkable, with fully 162% of NH’s resident senior population having gotten at least one dose of the vaccine.
  • Nationally, 103% of American seniors have gotten at least one shot.

NY is now down 71 percent off it’s 7dma peak hit 17 days ago:

NYC proper is down 76 percent off it’s peak:


Not that it’s of much consequence but apparently the Spotify founder is an IKEA founder style mega tax evader and possible deplorable (although may be confusing him with the Swedish guy who made some famous game)

Cases are dropping precipitously near me, but we’re still a couple weeks away from Thanksgiving level and maybe two more after that to get back down to a baseline.

I’m really hoping that’s not just in time for BA.2 or some other new variant to reach here. My girlfriend has gone through a lot the last month and I want to be able to take her somewhere and do something fun. We could use a month or two of low case numbers to make that happen. :crossed_fingers:

I guess the next six months is kind of a moment of truth. Do we get a real flattening? Does Omicron become seasonal or does it rip again in 3-6 months? And we’ll get some Omicron booster data in there too…

My guess is best case is two waves a year, no more severe than Omicron if we’re lucky, each wave and each round of boosters moves us closer to flu-like severitylevels until we get to the floor of severity. Maybe eventually our bodies are good enough at fending it off that the second wave stays small. I expect the Omicron specific boosters to be over 90% effective.

Who knows how many infections or shots it takes to turn this into a flu/cold like thing? It stands to reason that we’d need variant specific boosters against a few variants to achieve that.

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