COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Vid title and time? Or do I have to wade through many videos to check your claim?

Have they considered suing to force their employees to work?


No, he’s not. Dr John is reporting on a recent UK Freedom Of Information request showing that deaths SOLELY attributable to covid, with no other underlying causes (diabetes etc.), may be 1/10th of the total covid deaths (covid death being one where person died within 28 days of poz covid test)

FOI Ref: FOI/2021/3240

Link to the Office of National Statistics Data

Likely to be the same for the US

Nice try CN - it would appear you simply didn’t understand that Dr John is merely reporting the ONS data obtained by the FOI.


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Come on. He’s not doing this as some sort of straight news report, what he’s trying to imply is clear, and his work is consistently being used by the anti vax/anti COVID precaution community.

The question he asked is a bad one and gives away the game.



A few years back I had a 90 year old woman get hit by a bus at 5 mph. Most people would have been fine but she was old and on blood thinners. Did she die because she had atrial fibrillation OR WAS IT BECAUSE SHE GOT HIT BY A BUS?


He reports the rough with the smooth. It’s the ONS’ work. I see how that could be used by anti-vaxxers (in isolation) but the series of vids is definately the opposite of anti-vax.

Right. The proper response to that number is who gives a shit.

I DUNNO? Obviously the bus, but unless you want all buses to be restricted to 4mph going forward, it would be handy to also record she had the underlyer as it would seem it had a contributing factor?

I mean, that probably how we know ‘larger people’ and those with diabetes are more likely to have adverse outcomes with covid.

Churchill the point is that this woman was killed by getting hit by a bus. The same thing would hold true if she got Covid. The use of “solely attributable to” here is utter nonsense. Preexisting conditions make you more vulnerable, but Covid still killed these people.


I have been giving Churchill way too much credit if he’s seriously going to defend a “90% of Covid deaths are actually other things” take. I really hope I’m missing some layer of nuance here.


First reaction to headline featuring Neil Young talking about vaccines: Oh God no.
Second reaction: Whew he’s angry about vaccine misinformation.
Third reaction “They can have Rogan or Young” lol my brother most of these people have no idea who you are.
Fourth reaction: I would like to see Neil Young fight Van Morrison.


Still, at least he is using his public voice to spread good information. That counts for something.


Since I don’t have kids I can’t tell you how well these would fit and how much smaller they actually are, but here are kids KN95s…

I think they have some different colors too.

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A question for the ages.

Buses are a hoax perpetuated by the globalists. Please subscribe to my newsletter.


I mean all this is just another strain of “they were going ot die anyway because [reason]” so covid deaths are a hoax! It’s bullshit.


Yup. It’s also ableist as fuck.

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As compelling as using that link to support the idea that people who were infected naturally won’t benefit from boosters. Risk/reward is still massively skewed to reward since risk is statistically insignificant/nonexistent.

I really disagree as the reward to getting boosted seems insignificant.