COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

How did he meet people who fled East Gernany while he was visiting East Germany?

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And does he think that they escaped the nazis? So many questions.

maybe instead of visiting they were going the other way and he got his lie crossed up

stealth omicron

great name btw, just great ****

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are you billing patients 1.5x for these shifts?

Yes. Personally. I take their credit cards and everything.

It’s totally not that everyone is super burned out, a few people quit, a lot of people are out with Covid or on medical leave, and no one is willing to work extra.

This has left the ER horribly short staffed so gl everyone!

I actually looked this up and when he „visited“ East Berlin he was actually in West Berlin, but went to the wall a few times. I guess that is what you call technically correct.

Sounds a lot more plausible than a US government representative taking his eight-year-old on a trip to the GDR at te height of the Cold War.


I don’t have kids so this is extremely hard to answer, but their age and willingness to wear an N95 would factor heavily. So would the availability of streaming.

Given how irrational I feel about wanting to protect my girlfriend, and assuming I’m going to feel even more protective when I have kids, I’d probably hold them out or have them wear an N95 until the surge in their class is over - especially since it shouldn’t take very long at all.

Depends. The online learning experience varies from school to school. It sucks where I am. So in person learning is clearly the superior experience. But if they are equivalent or close to it, then yeah keep the kids home.

Broke the 30K mark in the Czech Republic. Means about 30% of tests came back positive. Not the highest percentage we’ve had but still damn high. Rumors spreading through my school that the lack of teachers in school due to COVID-19 will lead to distance learning for a couple of weeks. Will find out at the (now virtual) teacher’s meeting tomorrow.

“Stealth omicron” fuck me.

Pretty sick nickname though

Remember Nurse Dr John Campbell? He’s a YouTube personality that’s been posted here approvingly. You’ll be shocked to find out he’s claiming the true death toll in England is 1/10th the official count because, well, he is a moron.

Gets a million views per video it seems. Ridiculous

There’s almost certainly an undercount in COVID-related deaths. But 1/10 is definitely absurd.

Would love to know if anyone has actually found a place that sells n95’s that fit a kids face, because I sure as shit haven’t. I’ve found a few sellers that appear to be cheap knockoff kn95’s on amazon, but that’s about it.

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It sounds like this guy is saying that opposite. That there is an overcount and the true death count is 1/10 of what is being reported, which, yeah, is absurd.

With the recent infection, I would send them. I think it’s closer otherwise, maybe depends on whether the school is testing everyone.

Oh no, he’s suggesting there’s an overcount

Is it in Dr John’s latest vid ‘Natural Immunity’ is as good as ‘Natural Immunity + Vaccine’ and better than ‘vaccine only’ (Delta, vs hospitalisations / death) video based on this recent CDC report? Timestamp will do.

It looks as though @anon10396289 was indeed correct not to rush for his booster, based on his personal health profile

Lol, no.

Pfizer-BioNTech launch Omicron vaccine trial

Pfizer and BioNTech have begun enrolment for a clinical trial to test the safety and immune response of their Omicron-specific Covid-19 vaccine in adults aged up to 55, the companies said in a statement on Tuesday.

Earlier this month, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said an Omicron vaccine will be ready to file for regulatory approval by March, and the company is already manufacturing doses.

AFP report:

Pfizer’s head of vaccine research Kathrin Jansen said in a statement that while current data showed that boosters against the original Covid strain continued to protect against severe outcomes with Omicron, the company was acting out of caution.

“We recognise the need to be prepared in the event this protection wanes over time and to potentially help address Omicron and new variants in the future,” she said.

Ugur Sahin, CEO of the German biotech company BioNTech added the protection of the original vaccine against mild and moderate Covid appeared to wane more rapidly against Omicron.

“This study is part of our science-based approach to develop a variant-based vaccine that achieves a similar level of protection against Omicron as it did with earlier variants but longer duration of protection.”

The trial will involve 1,420 people aged 18-55.

A spokesperson for Pfizer said that it did not include people older than 55 because the goal of the study was to examine the immune response of participants dosed, rather than estimate vaccine efficacy.

The trial is taking place across the United States and South Africa, and the first participant was dosed in North Carolina.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the first Covid shot to be approved in western states, in December 2020. Because it is based on messenger RNA technology, it is relatively easy to update to reflect the genetic code of new variants.

I don’t link conspiracy theory charlatans with monetized YouTube channels. It’s the one that talks about this subject this week