COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

This is…not a real thing

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Canada is whack, amirite?

Asymptomatic transmission.

“all strains are low compared to …” i don’t quite understand. they are low in mortality? infectiousness? mutation rate?

1918 may have been taken more seriously because it ravaged young adults more than covid, especially those fighting in ww1. but still not serious enough for us president to acknowledge publicly. flu pandemic in the 50s was also serious. sars was worse mortality-wise, but not as infectious, right?

we sort of know that waves eventually wane, but if anything it’s a confluence of factors including evolutionary pressure to outcompete. evolutionary pressure alone may not depress mortality. that might be true for super high mortality, but not necessarily for mortality that is high predominantly in older and unvaxxed patients. we currently are observing mutations increasing infectiousness, rather than becoming milder.

Add anybody in music to the “Never become a fan of anyone” list

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Not surprising he’s an absolute POS. I’d suggest people read up on his romantic history to show what an asshole sociopath he is.

Can’t think of Clapton without hearing Nick Mullen’s impression of him on Cum Town

He’s made Ben Shapiro hilarious as well.

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Exactly what someone under “mass formation hypnosis” would say.


Seems less than ideal


Resolving the issue in 3 days isn’t nearly fast enough to avoid the LOL Law thread.

So apparently Dad is still stuck in the ER for the past 1.5 days. He was able to talk to his gf on the phone today and she thought he sounded good, though unsure if he’s had anything other than IV fluids.

Are things really this bad in Tucson?

Showing up with medical power of attorney on the morning. Don’t know if that will help but this is frustrating.


The judge should never have granted the initial injunction. It wasn’t even close. It violated basic fucking 13th and 14th amendment jurisprudence. We don’t have specific performance in this country for labor contract disputes and haven’t since the civil war. The employees should countersue for those three days they were forced into involuntary servitude.


From twittermed accounts about Arizona, yes, there are no beds anywhere.

Hoping the best for you and your dad.


Covid cases are rising rapidly among US nursing home residents and staff, causing shortages in admissions, exacerbating bed shortages at hospitals in turn, and in some cases requiring the national guard to be called in.

The Omicron wave has sent many staff home sick at care facilities and rehabilitation centers that offer round-the-clock medical care. As a result, hospitals that would normally release patients into such stepped-down care are now holding off, creating a backlog of patients stuck in hospital.

There were more than 31,500 cases among nursing home residents in the week ending 9 January, nearly as many as last winter’s peak, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Cases among staff are even higher – more than double last year’s highest record, with more than 57,000 confirmed cases in the week of 9 January, a tenfold increase in just three weeks.

The Omicron variant can survive longer than earlier versions of the coronavirus on plastic surfaces and human skin, Japanese researchers found in laboratory tests.

Its high “environmental stability” - its ability to remain infectious - might have helped Omicron replace Delta as the dominant variant and spread rapidly, they said. On plastic surfaces, average survival times of the original strain and the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta variants were 56 hours, 191.3 hours, 156.6 hours, 59.3 hours, and 114.0 hours, respectively. That compared to 193.5 hours for Omicron, the researchers reported on bioRxiv ahead of peer review. On skin samples from cadavers, average virus survival times were 8.6 hours for the original version, 19.6 hours for Alpha, 19.1 hours for Beta, 11.0 hours Gamma, 16.8 hours for Delta and 21.1 hours for Omicron.


This raises the question of whether or not smear transmission is a significant source of spread/risk. After originally suspecting that it was, we learned it wasn’t and there has been no contradiction of that through the other variants so far in a major way. Perhaps a case here or there, but no breakouts that were clearly linked to smear.

Just because it survives on surfaces doesn’t mean it does so in high enough doses to infect.

That said, I don’t know how to prove that either way.

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Half my kid’s class is out with COVID. Some parents are also keeping their kids home because of the risk.

My kid has been double vaxxed and had COVID a month ago. Everyone in the household is as vaxxed as possible and everyone except for me actually got COVID last month. No one is high-risk for bad outcomes. We also don’t really come into anyone who is (that we know of).

Is anyone not sending their kid back to school in my spot (they have in person and a lot of it is streamed online for the kids who are out)?


Work is offering 1.5x pay now to pick up shifts. It’s a disaster