COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I don’t know, I think the more likely scenario is scary domestic terrorist anti-vaxxers target the building or the people coming into and out of it. But maybe that’s more a US problem then Canadian one.

NIMBYs are getting desperate!


Twenty-five-year-old Russian grandmaster Daniil Dubov failed to show up for his game against Giri today in Wijk aan Zee and was forfeited.

Someone in Dubov’s circle tested positive for COVID, and since Dubov tested negative on a rapid test (awaiting PCR results) he refused to wear a mask “on principle.”

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Man what type of shithole country allows that?

Lol media


The contradictions in the subheadlines and headline are wonderful…ly sad :frowning:

Heading to the pub. This one apparently actually checks vax status before entering. Same can’t be said for a lot of places here. Hopefully that means it’s less crowded

Booster waning also seems to be less severe than previously reported



Not really trying to judge, but given the absolute peak happening right now in CZ, and given your constant stream of anxiety and frustration with the actions of others, this seems kind of silly.


WHO official cautions Omicron will not be the last variant of note

A senior World Health Organization official cautioned against countries thinking they were over the worst of Covid-19 after infection rates dipped following the Omicron variant.

Maria van Kerkhove , speaking to Sophie Raworth on BBC One said: “You may be out of the latest wave of Omicron. In many countries like the UK, that has a high population level of immunity level from infection and vaccination coverage, you will see a difference going forward. You’re in a different stage of the pandemic.

“[However] out of the 10 billion doses of vaccines that have been administered to date, there are still 3 billion people waiting for their first dose. We still have a highly susceptible population, even if there are some countries further along, the rest of the world is still in it. It’s a global problem, we need to treat it with global solutions.”

She added: “It will not end with this latest wave with Omicron, and it’s not the last variant you will hear us talking about.”

A quick check this morning shows that MA cases may be leveling off instead of continuing downward, despite the wastewater testing showing a continued downward trend. NH looks to be just past the peak cases, and the U.S. overall is headed back up after a fakeout peak.

Going out to a half empty bar where everybody’s vaxxed is worth the risk to me. Less risk of COVID there than at the workplace I have to spend my weekdays in.

I’ll find out how things are when I get tested tomorrow morning. Pretty sure I’ll be escorting students to the “clean room” then as I record their test results.

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“We Give Up!”

I hear you, though.

Nah, you need to look at a 7dma tracker that smooths out the data/reporting anomalies, like Nytimes:

Edit: Massachusetts also has some weird reporting anomalies and missing data for a few days recently so I’d give it a few more days before coming to the conclusion that cases in MA are rising again.

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Nearly half of those who became ill with Covid in the first wave of infections may have long-term and even permanent changes to their sense of smell, according to preliminary research from Sweden .

A sudden loss of smell, or an impaired or distorted perception of odours, emerged as an unusual symptom of Covid early on in the pandemic. While many people swiftly recovered, others found that their sense of smell never quite returned to normal.

To find out how common the impairments might be, scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm ran comprehensive tests on 100 individuals who caught Covid in the first wave of infections that swept through Sweden in spring 2020.

Their early findings show that 18 months after recovering from Covid, very few people – only 4% – had lost their sense of smell entirely, but a third had a reduced ability to detect odours, and nearly half complained of parosmia, where the sense of smell is distorted. Most of those with a reduced sense of smell were unaware of it before they joined the study.

This is not a healthy way to think of covid precautions, imo, no matter what level you find appropriate. Attempting to be perfect will just burn you out. Precautions are not all or nothing.

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A fourth dose of Covid-19 vaccine given to people over 60 in Israel made them three times more resistant to serious illness than thrice-vaccinated people in the same age group, Israel’s health ministry said on Sunday.

The ministry also said the fourth dose, or second booster, doubled resistance against infection compared with those in the age group who received only three shots of the vaccine.

Israel began offering a fourth dose of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine to people over 60 earlier this month, Reuters reports.


A preliminary study published by Israel’s Sheba medical centre last Monday found that the fourth shot increases antibodies to even higher levels than the third but “probably” not to the point that it could completely fend off the highly transmissible Omicron variant.


oh no. legitimately shook how the vaccine made at least a hundred or perhaps 150 athletes by now literally drop to the floor of my all-time athlete rankings just due to their antivax attitudes and misinformation.

actually started a lot earlier than pandemic. so sad.