COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Isn’t Stockton a Mormon?

I mean he was a lock for comments like this.

EDIT: Okay Roman Catholic whatever. Knew he was hardcore religious though


Jfc, never ever look up to sports stars ever

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What about Bill Russell?

None of them


I’m gonna be real depressed if it turns out that Daniel Cormier is a pedophile.

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Well at least the newspaper really came out hard. lol “dubious”

Such claims are dubious and not backed by science, nor are they deemed credible by medical professionals, according to, a project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, and research reported by PolitiFact, which is run by the Poynter Institute.

As has been pointed out to you repeatedly, obviously hospitalizations are a good guide but since hospitalizations lag infections, they are not a good guide of what’s about to happen.

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Will an at home COVID test be damaged and rendered ineffective if left in a car during freezing temperature, dipping below zero at times, for a few days?

This should probably help:

lol Joe.

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Some twitter chatter today that BA.2 meaningfully more transmissible than OG omnicron (one example below). Worth monitoring because that level would imply some immune evasion between BA2 and OG omicron.


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Well I get to interact with the Heath system. Dad (92) had “minor” stroke out in Tucson. I’m heading out tomorrow to help his partner (90) plus I have medical power of attorney.

(He was able to be on his feet and his taking/drooping had much improved this afternoon. She found him sitting in a chair this morning confused and unable to talk. At last word he was still waiting in the ER for a room).

He can have 1 visitor. Based on experience of friends it’s likely he will be discharged to a rehab facility.


Thinking of you. My father (76) had a moderate stroke in October, and the first few hours were definitely stressful. Thankfully he was taken to a hospital that was able to treat him with anti-clotting meds and also was equipped with a Neuro ICU, and thus was able to get proper care with dedicated nurses.

that of course all happened on the back end of the delta wave. Still, only one visitor was allowed for his entire 3 day hospital stay, including the final day in the general population, where the nurses already seemed to have too many patients.


At least two teachers tested positive on antigen tests taken before entering the school this morning. Eight others are COVID positive. A few others are taking care of COVID positive children.

A student in my class tested positive. About a third of the students were out in my first class and two thirds were out in my second class.

Sounds like an extra booster will help but Omicron-specific boosters are going to be needed. Sure seems like the move is going to be a multi-valent Omicron/Delta booster every 6-12 months. As other variants pop up, they’ll likely need to tweak accordingly for some, while others will probably still be covered just fine.

Those of us who want to avoid catching it will have to take a lot of precaution once we’re more than, perhaps, 4 months out from our shots - or when troublesome new variants pop up.

Wait, 90-120% more transmissible than BA.1 Omicron? Which is somewhere in the neighborhood of 100% more transmissible than Delta? Which is 50% more transmissible than Alpha which was 50% more transmissible than OG?

So with BA.2 we’re now in the neighborhood of 1,000% more transmissible than OG covid?

I did read something somewhere about BA.2 perhaps escaping prior infection, including BA.1 Omicron, but having less escape vs vaccination. So if that turns out to be true, that’d be nice, but obviously we’re still very much in the “take good news with a grain of salt,” stage here.

Which is to say, I’d increase/extend precautions over bad news about BA.2 until we know for sure, but I wouldn’t ease off over potential good news until we know for sure.

Natural selection is a bitch.