COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Whther it’s optimal or not, it’s not practical. We can’t produce 28 billion doses per year to booster the entire world every 3 months.

My mom and her husband travelled to Florida and Georgia a week or so ago. They both developed symptoms. My mom’s symptoms were worse but neither had much more than typical cold symptoms. They are both boosted. For a week now, he has repeatedly tested positive and she has tested negative, though she obviously has/had it. I think she tested negative on two at home tests and two on site tests, though I’m not certain which test was used on site.

Lol, that’s clearly not what he said. Boy that didn’t take long though.


You find it interesting that I’m willing to express a desire that governments of the world adequately boost their citizens?


I’m not an expert on the logistical challenges involved, but if you gave me a guess at the countries in Africa that would have the easiest time distributing vaccines, South Africa would have been in my top 3 guesses for sure. I’m not sure that even if Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech, and J&J gave 12 billion doses to the Third World we’d get more than 25% of the populations vaccinated.

I’m all for them doing as much as they can, but I’d put more blame on the US, the EU, and other developed countries than I’d put on the three companies in question. If we really wanted to get everyone vaccinated, which would be great, we’d need billions of doses at cost, logistical support from governments and militaries, and buy-in from individuals, which isn’t guaranteed even if the rest is provided.

But it’s easier to just point fingers at three companies who are currently saving millions of lives per year, selling COVID shots cheaper than flu shots, and giving away a significant chunk of their inventory at cost.

I don’t think production is even the bottleneck, I think it’s distribution and administering the shots. But yeah it’s not practical in a lot of ways. Largely, a huge percentage of the population would rather roll the dice on an annual extra 0.5% or 0.25% or whatever it is risk of death than get a shot 2-4 times a year.

Everyone’s favorite mortician and crematory operator is Covid +. Although she has lost her taste and smell. Don’t know any boosted folks that happened to with Omicron. If she gives me delta after I just had omicron I’m gonna be so salty


You know, while I was gone there was a lot of talk about being kind toward others and changing the tone and stuff like that. I’ve tried very hard since returning to be polite to everyone, engage kindly with people I’ve had beef with in the past, and avoid drama. Churchill and I have had several polite, positive, and I think informative exchanges! JT and I have interacted cordially! It’s been nice!

So I would just encourage you to be kind, not troll others, and not assume the worst and put words in people’s mouths. God knows I have terrible self-control on message boards, so if even I can muster up the discipline to do it, I’m sure you are capable of the same!

As for your accusation that I am rooting for the pandemic to continue, which means millions more people to die, that is pretty offensive - you’re basically calling me a monster. But perhaps you misunderstood, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and explain myself. I can see how my comment might have come off as flippant and insensitive, without the context of what I believe to be widely accepted facts about the pandemic.

So I apologize for being unclear and insensitive and creating a situation where you could easily misunderstand me. That’s on me.

That’s not what I think nor is it what I’m rooting for. We’re already in the situation we’re in with regard to Omicron, so if what we need is two or three rounds of boosters this year, I would love it if everyone got them, and it would be a nice little windfall for me to boot. I don’t expect that to happen under any circumstances whatsoever, though. So my comment was a passing comment that it would be great for both me and the world if everyone got as many shots as needed ASAP.

The end of this is almost certainly not COVID just going away, and (I think) we all know that. It’s some form of endemicity, which I believe will likely lead to the availability of either annual or bi-annual strain-targeted boosters. I expect the worst medical effects and the death to decrease with each subsequent wave, absent a worse variant, through a combination of acquired immunity and vaccination-based immunity. At some point people will probably have enough built-up protection through immune familiarity that it does become something akin to the common cold or flu, I just hope that happens sooner and doesn’t take decades.

I’m of course rooting for as many people to choose the vaccine route as possible as opposed to the infection route, as that both minimizes death and sickness and makes me money. I suspect that the permanent end to this is something like 25-50% of the population (Comprised of people 65+, those with health risks, and kids getting shots for the first time) choosing to get boosted each year. The more people who choose vaccination the fewer deaths. My investment is rooting for an outcome with less death and less sickness, not more.

I’d happily let both investments, or even my entire portfolio or net worth go to $0 if that would somehow mean the end of COVID permanently for all and no more suffering and death, but unfortunately I can’t do that.

I’ve also lost far more in lost income during the pandemic thus far than I was ever up on this investment, even at the peak for MRNA when it was near $500 a share. So I’d be way better off financially if the pandemic had never happened in the first place, and I’d likely be way better off from this point forward financially if COVID disappeared from the planet tomorrow.

Like my net worth is probably about half of what it would be if the pandemic had never happened. But you didn’t know that, so maybe you just misunderstood when you insinuated that I’m rooting for widespread death and sickness.

In conclusion, be kind! I’ve been trying very hard to do the same since I’ve returned.



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Cases literally rising off the charts.


Anyone speak Danish or know Denmark? Is this credible? Supposedly, per twitter, a Danish virologist saying BA.1 isnt providing good immunity for BA.2 but I can’t read the source material to tell if it is bullshit or not.

Just using Google translate, it appears that he said it could be that BA.1 does not confer short-term immunity to BA.2, but they don’t know yet. It could also just be that BA.2 is more transmissible in general.

Seems a pretty poor take.

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You know, while I was gone there was a lot of talk about being kind toward others and changing the tone and stuff like that. I’ve tried very hard since returning to be polite to everyone, engage kindly with people I’ve had beef with in the past, and avoid drama.

So I would just humbly request that you be kind, not troll others, and not assume the worst and put words in people’s mouths. God knows I have terrible self-control on message boards, so if even I can muster up the discipline to do it, I’m sure you are capable of the same!

Alleging that I am rooting for the pandemic, and thus millions of deaths, is not kind. It is incredibly rude, and it is false. Alleging that I am treating the pandemic, and the deaths of millions, as a football game, is not kind. It is extremely rude, and it is false.

Please find it within yourself to stop being rude. Please be kind instead. If you find yourself unable to do so, please instead consider trying to keep my name out of your mouth and ignoring my posts. Thank you in advance.


8 nurses at my GFS hospital put in their 2 week notices today. Anyone who picks up or shifts gets time and a half plus an extra 1k just to walk in the door.


Related: hospital is in court forcing their employees to continue working for them when they refused to match pay and benefits at another hospital. The court has initially allowed this somehow

Covid is going around my workplace like wildfire. I came down with a headache, stuffy nose, cough, runny nose Tuesday. At home rapid test=negative. PCR test=negative. Wouldn’t have thought it.

What a dick the judge is…

McGinnis told lawyers for both health systems they should try to work out a temporary agreement by the end of the day Friday about the employees’ status until Monday’s hearing.

Otherwise, he said, the order prohibiting them from going to work at Ascension would be final until a further ruling was made. That means the seven health care workers would not be working at either hospital on Monday.

“To me, that is a poor result for everyone involved,” McGinnis said.

No shit, Sherlock. You’re completely ignoring the law to make a bullshit ruling to try to force both parties into a compromise in a situation where the defendants are CLEARLY in the right and the hospital suing is CLEARLY in the wrong. But you want to give the CLEARLY WRONG CHEAPSKATES some leverage to get something out of this, so you just fucking ignore the law.

Wow this guy is a clown. He sentenced a guy to six months in jail on contempt for rolling his eyes at the judge when the judge was being a dick to him. Then offers to let him out early after a month and a half if he writes an apology, publicly apologizes in court, and pays a $5,000 fine - the guy is poor enough to have a public defender, and the maximum allowable fine is $500. Oh and the judge talks shit about how he’s looking forward to getting to sentence the guy, when the case hasn’t even been tried yet.

The judge then drops an f-bomb at the subsequent appearance, and again talks shit about sentencing him. So the lawyer states his intent to file a motion for recusal, and the judge says he’ll read it but he probably won’t allow a hearing on it because it’s a waste of time.

An appeals court overturns all the bullshit, and the original charges end up being dropped anyway. What a crock of shit.

It doesn’t even need to be said, cause America, but I’ll give you one guess as to the color of the defendant’s skin.

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I bet it was some rich white family’s eldest son.

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I find this story kind of bizarre:

I can understand the argument that the need to domestically manufacture vaccines is a viable “national security” concern. We’ve kind of learned our lesson about vaccine production capabilities. What I find confusing is the idea that people being able to look at the outside of pharma building from their nearby condos is a threat to vaccine production. What can Scary Foreigners figure out by looking at a building that is useful/dangerous information? Did Sanofi build the whole facility with a transparent roof?

It’s a really poorly written article. I think the concerns are not related to people being able to see the building but rather attack it.

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So the idea is that Scary Foreigners are likely to rain down bombs on them from a 30 story building but from a 10 story building that’s not possible? I guess I can see it but it seems like some weird jumping at shadows risk management. There’s already a whole public lands ravine between the residential building and the pharma building.